
This will probably be the most difficult comment I've ever had to write on here because it took me seeing a psychologist to realize that my parents weren't in a typical relationship where they would have arguments once in a while. No. My mom has been in a emotionally abusive relationship with my dad for 22 years

More power to them but

If it were phrased that way, I could support it. "Students are expected to dress in business casual or workplace appropriate attire."

Right? I've asked my family to attend my vegan wedding dinner and the response is OH GOD HOW COULD WE SURVIVE ONE SINGLE MEAL OF OUR LIVES WITHOUT OUR PRECIOUS STEAK? I get it; eat whatever you want, I don't care. I'm not a preacher. But for christ's sake, it's one meal of your entire life.

"It's rich in bunly goodness."

God forbid the Hindu kids, kids who keep kosher or halal, or vegetarian kids get one day a week where they don't have to eat side dishes or half-assed afterthought dishes. Everyone knows if you accidentally eat a single meal that doesn't have meat in it, you will die of anemia before dessert.

People don't like Griffin for various reasons, but she is a hardass when it comes to advocating for women in her line of work. I'm glad she's a righteous loudmouth bc I have no doubts for even a second that these nameless faceless execs truly believe people won't watch a late night show not hosted by a white dude with

This is the official statement from the school. Essentially, Nicki wanted to film in the school.

I don't think you actually appreciated the column if your response is to point to situations in which women have victimized others. That was not the point nor is it relevant. No one is suggesting that only women are victims.

"A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane and ill-advised, and the whole species' existence counts on them doing it. I don't know how do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We're the number one threat to women.

As if fat shaming was ever about helping other people lose weight.

I love reading Miss Manners on the subject. "Should I tell my friend she's fat?" "Why? Do you think she hasn't noticed?" If you see something wrong with someone's appearance, the rule is that you can mention it only if the person can immediately fix the problem. Since no one is going to step into another room and

kelly, let me ask a question literally 0 people have asked:

One very strange thing about these misogynists is their low opinion of men. "I'm a member of a very shitty gender, so don't make us do the shitty things we have no power within us to stop doing!" — how do these guys deal with so much self-hate?


Her art speaks to me. It says, "I'm an over indulged celeb surrounded by yes men."

I have shared this before, my bff was not vaccinated and got measles as a child. She still has some scars on her lungs and her mother is still racked with guilt for listening to a "hippy" doctor and not insisting on vaccinations. She almost died and as an adult is healthy and loves to mountain climb. Her doctor has

My friend teaches science in an elementary school in San Diego. She was just informed that there's a whooping cough outbreak at the school, which has only been in session for two weeks. I really believe it's going to take deaths and disability until parents take vaccinations seriously. The risks of vaccines seem so

Jeez, the only way this article could be whiter is if they left the page blank.