Don't. S&M fetishes DO NOT mean you wanted your abuse or consented to it or "secretly enjoyed it" or whatever. It is entirely possible to consensually enjoy the type of sex you like and dislike rape.
Don't. S&M fetishes DO NOT mean you wanted your abuse or consented to it or "secretly enjoyed it" or whatever. It is entirely possible to consensually enjoy the type of sex you like and dislike rape.
chicken tender r u kidding me massachusetts
On the one hand, I want to give her love for representing as a fuller-figured woman who wants to wear avant-garde design and give no fucks.
A quote from The Mirren might help them? Or maybe not.
Between the fact that Kristen Stewart could reasonably have been caught on camera smoking hash on her front porch during the height of Twilight Fever and Robert Pattinson screaming, shoving and running away from Twilight fans who were trying to get him to bite their necks, I'm of the impression that both of them knew…
Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?
Actually, as A Bisexual Person, I honestly don't feel like I need a bunch of married ladies to brag about how they totally do have fantasies about Jennifer know, for the cause. I don't give a shit what you fantasize about. Queerness is a lived identity, not how you feel in your heart of innermost…
Now I'd like to see her finish the Minute Waltz when she tickles the ivories.
The tiny jazz hands kill me.
That GIF is so adorable. That proud look on his face: did you see what cute thing my kid just did?
Blue seems like a happy, healthy baby whose parents love her. What more does any child need?
Oh god, go back to Gawker Cata Ding Dong, Bon Morte or whatever you're calling yourself this month
Also not time to talk about how hard it is to be ginger.
OH GOD THAT GIF. I cringed.
Death to flavoured coffee. That shit's for people who pretend to like coffee but really don't, and just want the caffeine with a bunch of sugary shit in there.
Why does when anyone has an opinion, they're told to 'blame this political function' or 'that political function'? I'm so glad we can now turn anything that a person says into a political statement.
Especially when the alternative to getting a shot is the potential for watching your kid suffer from a severe illness for days or weeks.
But seriously, how the hell do people miss the point of herd immunity so badly? It is meant to protect those who are unable to receive the vaccine for real medical reasons.