Gaying Mantis Toboggan

In one of the tie-in novels it’s explained that Rey got a big dose of instinctual information when Kylo was digging in her mind and she reversed the flow of what was going on and began digging through his mind. It’s why Rey and Kylo have similar fighting moves, she stole them.

Your reasonableness is unreasonable on the internet.

I’m sure all of us would patiently wait until we find the wise Jedi master before we attempted to swing anything like a sword. If I was Rey, I would have been asking every single freaking person I met what the Force is and how to fight with a light saber. It’s a reality with holographic video and the people she was

Because it’s a movie not a documentary?

Are you really confused as to why Luke Skywalker did not lie?

Just to clarify if there’s any confusion, this is highlighting the now-canon concept of Rey downloading skills from Kylo when she forced her way back into his mind in The Force Awakens. From the Junior Novelization:

If it gets talked about enough it could easily end up winding its way into the future movies as intentional. Battle stance foreshadowing, I like it.

Because it happens so rarely it’s more a shocking novelty than anything.

I don’t think Pete entered sobriety to lie about his life but you never know.

The big one most recently was the Prince hologram usage. Prince saw such things as demonic and that was pointed out to Timberlake who didn’t care because he wanted to think he was as awesome as Prince.

Tony and Pepper, Steve and Peggy, Steve and Sharon, Dr Strange and Doctor Lady, Peter and Gamorra, Thor and Jane, Darcy and her assistant, AntMan and The Wasp, AntMan and his ex wife, Ego and Peter’s mum, Black Panther and Nakia (past, mentioned a lot), Okoye and W’kabi. Drax mentions his wife on numerous

Me being gay isn’t defined by how I have sex except in the most pedantic sense.

In real life do you never speak of your relationships with other people?

So I assume Spock was ruined with his non pon farr fuck fests?

Your argument carries weight when movies were actually on film and that film was expensive. Now it’s digital. It’d take very little effort to make a Western World cut and an Eastern World cut.

That’s an easy hot take when your culture is already heavily catered to.

I didn’t put together Valkyrie was gay. And I saw it three times. And I’m gay and was looking for queer characters.

Quoting Kirke01

Thank you for doing the “barely any?!?” response so all I had to do was type thank you to you.

Tokenism is literally the first step towards the mainstream.