My queerness doesn’t need a relationship for it to be pointed out to people.
My queerness doesn’t need a relationship for it to be pointed out to people.
That means straight white people are also way, way over represented seeing how they’re in almost every movie. We need to start reducing that number right away so Glenn won’t be worried about people getting too much representation that isn’t due to them.
How can anybody produce counter claims to a person who knows the truth unerringly?
It will alienate a certain type of Christians not all Christians.
Now if you only followed what Christ taught...
Regardless of what they “meant” (apparently you’ve talked the writers and their thought process regarding their characters) it establishes them as straight.
Without tokenism our stories never would have been told in mainstream literature.
I’m sure you rage equally about Spock’s girlfriend seeing how canon that is.
Pointing out every single character’s sexuality would be shoehorning things in. A five to fifteen second nod to a character’s sexuality isn’t.
All stories have multiple story lines in them, it’s commonly called the A story, the B story, the C story with each one given progressively smaller amount of screen time. I had no idea until today that those other story lines were actually robbing the main story line.
I did not know Valkyrie was gay until this article.
Following your logic straight white guys must make up and even more disproportionate representation seeing how close to 100% of movies have straight white guys in them but straight white guys don’t make up nearly 100% of the population.
“This is why I dumped her. She’s always black out drunk.”
“Honey, pick up the dry cleaning on the way home.”
The only thing that can claim a similar level of absurdity is Fry in Futurama going back in time to Roswell, NM and having sex with his own grandmother after accidentally killing the man who was going to be his grandfather. As Fry says, “I did do the nasty in the pasty.” It’s all so hilarious and disturbing and…
I wonder if a 1,000 years from now if Stephen King will be taught like he’s this era’s Shakespeare or Dickens.
Once it’s fully functional it will send a pulse through the ISS killing everybody and then a hamster will poke his tiny wittle head out of it. His name will be Hammy and he will be getting his revenge upon humanity for forcing sentience onto it and then making it play in simulated death matches for others amusement…
Westworld is HBO.
How did I not know this?!? That’s so insanely modern meta if a game happens. It’s attached to Amazon now, who knows, maybe Amazon wants to get in on the game publishing act so they can churn out yearly type games like Far Cry or Assassins Creed—games that I love so it’s not disparagement.
Game of Walking Throne Kings, which is what GoT final season will be seeing how it’s the ice zombies versus the living.