
I don’t know. That seems like it’d be a more convincing argument in a world where 35% of the country wasn’t looking at Trump and approving of the job he was doing as President.

This point is 20 years old by now, but, boxing, horse-racing, and baseball have all held and lost the pinnacle of the American sports landscape. It can happen. Over a long enough timeframe, it will happen to football, even if it isn’t laid low by its immediate issues.

That frankly feels a little unfair to Kim.

“God’s got this.”

watching this hypocrite’s ark has been really enlightening. 

No good can come of this. I have said this before, but I will keep saying it for as long as I have to. Militaries need enemies to justify their existence. When you militarize the police, the police will look for enemies. They aren’t going out to fight other police forces, so citizens become the enemy.

So, my best friend in life’s great grand parents bought a farm back in the early 1900s and turned it into a working dairy farm servicing all of the black residents of Chattanooga, TN. So I’ve had experience on a black farm. It was quite interesting. I do think that it might be good for my lady to visit a real

Rich, man, the good news is that baseball is probably incapable of coming up with another way to hurt you this badly.

He can see the writing on the wall. He just doesn’t know what it says.

One thing is for certain, this whole gesture is lost on Floyd Mayweather.

And would it kill them to spell out the word “You”?

“Millennials are killing the Thank You note industry”

I know there have been other globe/Kyrie jokes

I just like this one

Back in my day, you would write your type your thank you notes on nice paper stock, double spaced in a beautiful font, including specific reasons for gratitude, and sign it under notary witness. Where’s the class these days?

Don’t you know? Only Democrats dodged the draft. Republicans avoided it by being rich which is totally acceptable.

Yeah, what it up with that comment? There hasn’t been a draft to dodge in over forty years. Is he implying that they didn’t register? Is he just an idiot? I’m guessing the latter.

And I don’t remember fighting for the rights for anyone to play a sport professionally. Must have been at sick call that day.

I’m a veteran and I’m still trying to figure out why a protest over police brutality has anything to do with me. Yeah, it’s great when people respect the symbols of our country, but I’m not gonna get all riled up over a protest that has specific target.

Because it is a lot easier to hide behind THE TROOPS than it is to have a discussion on an uncomfortable subject.

Yeah dude, these goddamn kids need to have respect for the troops and conscription like our Commander in Chief.