
What happens when mouthbreather fans are “offended” that potential large percentages of teams stay in the locker room?

Right but more times than not, for a number of reasons, the benefits are increasingly going to lift up someone from Ghana, Nigeria, etc.

Real talk, glad her last name ain’t Grebu or some shit

Oh so that’s why she was barking all that derpy regressive “waiill I guess I woulda voted for the Pussy Grabber” nonsense.

Lol at Kanye tryna use the ol’ “well they used to call us niggers, but then we swithed it up on ‘em and now ‘nigga’ is a term of endearment amongst black folks.”

Man fuck Fox Sports. I’d rather watch Telemundo anyway, even for derpy gringos that don’t speak Spanish, it’s a much better experience.

In this particular instance, I’d say this one is largely on the Ain’t-Shit Shook Starbucks Employee, not the Po’s.

Came here for this, the look on Zidane’s face is basically “deal with it fucker”

Lol WcDonald’s out here talkin in Crip and Blood code

Also probably why the white supremacists he was training with were ok with him

Am I the only SEC fan here who saw her walking away as “I cannot believe you bout to go to bitch ass Florida. FLORIDA! Fuck that school with George Zimmerman’s dick while Tim Tebow watches from across the room.”

they’re basically like “double jeopardy ain’t a thing in the court of public opinion”

I meeeean, I’m not gonna call this mayo complected ass mafucka a Saltine but I’m also not not gonna call him a Saltine MF.

lol #WeToo/#AllLivesMater : this is just what (primarily) white people do. Co-opt whatever the original intent was and turn into some self-serving fuckery.

No Joe Morton?

Now playing

Perfect opportunity to share Saint Bill Hicks’ standup routine on this subject from ‘93

Rarely do this, but I’m gonna go with Stephen A’s take that this is complete hogwash.

I love that you’re petty enough to never capitalize the word “Pierce”

Fuck the Giants, Warriors, just about every team in The Bay (except for the A’s). Fucking blackhole of corporate money circle jerking
