
Love the cop in the back laughing his ass off and making no attempt to help.

Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?

He stopped being a bigot, but he kept the swastikas to remind himself. Of what it’s like to be a bigot. In case he needs to remember that, for example if he meets a black person.

I’m amazed how many people are misinterpreting your comment.

“These ‘scars’ tell my history which include a dark time when I was in prison”

Are we even going to feign surprise that a guy with multiple nazi tattoos got hired as a Louisiana police officer?

White allyship in the Civil Rights Movement started to fall apart when white people started having to confront the fact that they were racist, just not in the same way Bull Connor was racist. Until white people - or at least progressive white people - accept that they’re almost all at least passively racist, we’re

This just illustrates the point that the police don’t care. They know it’ll come out and they know that nothing bad will happen to them as a result. The MPD might end up paying out a settlement, but the individual officers will be a-ok.

Yeah, it’s almost like they have no fear of reprisal being from a state run by Mini-Trump Assclown Scott Walker. Weird, right?

They might, but more than anything these are just established patterns of behavior that show up naturally in these situations. You’d have better luck getting me a five year-old to stop picking his nose than you’d have getting these racist asshole cops to stop doing racist asshole things.

They might be thinking that damning footage of them being released isn’t quite the eventuality it’s supposed to be...

That’s why LeBron isn’t the GOAT.

Because MJ would have gutted Smith and feasted on his heart for all to see if it was his team.

Of all the things I’ve read on this site, this is by far the most horrifying thing I’ve seen.

What’s important to note is that this jewish boy was protected by the industry. That pic should have been made waves but nothing ever sticks. He just made that “nice for what” video trying to FINALLY join a conversation he should have spearheaded since he loves using black women for street cred. He’s just not worthy

cold-weather Flo Rida or Pitbull with better taste in beats

As someone pointed out yesterday, Pusha dug up a photo that should’ve been found AGES ago, that TMZ somehow missed, on some petty shit. Like it’s nothing. Who knows what else he has waiting? He basically said “Try some shit again my nigga, see what happens.”

There is no winning from here, not even a Pyrrhic victory. The very best Drake can do is a stalemate, and even that’s unlikely. Ceding the real hip-hop heads and admitting that he’s just a cold-weather Flo Rida or Pitbull with better taste in beats is the most honorable way forward for Aubrey.

this meme hasn’t aged well

Nigga whatever.

It’s fun. And the artists are literally profiting off of it themselves you know.