
Yeah, she’ll need a bath. You don’t want Trump’s sloppy seconds.

If he’d have called Trump a shriveled-dick daughter fucker...

“Shrivled-dick Daughter fucker with tiny hands”

He could have pretended he was quoting one of the Nixon tapes verbatim. In fact, he probably was—pretty sure those things are a Library of Babel of all possible combinations of bluster and profanity.

If Keith Olbermann had gotten “shriveled-dick daughter fucker” into the Washington Post...

Liberal here. The article and quote did not come anywhere close to delivering on the headline’s promise. Fuck off.

Whatever. I beat porn at least three times a day and I feel fine.

You should re-create the exact same injury on yourself and then let us know the odds of survival.

You definitely get the point of the article.

Last year I played in a fantasy league that had a team named BishopSankeyTheChristmasPoo.

Bishop Sankey always sounds like a third rate Catholic high school to me.

Nah man, this is Bishop Sankey’s year

No you are wrong. It’s capitol is Bogota and it is a very dangerous place, as you can read in the article.

It is important to understand that people who do horrible things aren’t monsters. They are humans who made horrible choices. I think calling them Monsters takes away their agency and their responsibility for making those choices.


Jimmy Carter is a thousand times the person you will ever be, but yes political boycotts of sports are not useful. This wouldn’t be about politics though, it would be an attempt saving athletes from death by dysentery.

Sorry, wasn’t it LeBron that forced a huge contract for Tristan Thompson for his energy and toughness? He should leave GMing to the GMs and worry about his on-the-court play and how he can make his teammates better.

Ya, that MLK was such a whiner.

They are? Ask unions in the early to mid 20th century (they almost always won), colonial Americans in the 18th and ohhh...Gandhi about that.

I’m no fan of Tom Brady, but I don’t have an opinion to put here after that statement.