“Not wh....listen, let’s just say his attitude doesn’t mesh with the team.”
-Chip Kelly
“Not wh....listen, let’s just say his attitude doesn’t mesh with the team.”
-Chip Kelly
I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!
The Clintons made their entry into politics via courting black southerners...they know how to pander to them.
a) shes a household name, especially in the south where she and her husband are v popular
Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.
KG should replace Stephen A. Smith immediately upon retirement.
Shut up, Byron.
The 2014-2015 Feeling Yourself Award previously belonged to 16 year old sophomore Aiden Miller-Stoughton, who swears he was just cleaning his room.
How the fuck can I not get a job with ESPN.
This is easily the most interesting thing that’s ever happened at any auto show.
My husband said it was the look he and his sister had when the pastor had a that's what she said during the sermon.
I get the feeling this gif is going to come in handy a lot.
Not black enough? Gtfooh with that mess. People just don’t like her because she’s a lunatic with hateful views.
I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.
I assumed that the silence was because she is so irrelevant that 90% of the crowd probably didn’t get the joke? You have to know that she’s been saying dumb shit to even get that he’s trolling. Somehow I don’t think most of the people in that room keep up with what Dionne is saying on Fox News.
That’s a troll. Best to ignore.
I’m sure if you asked most of their remaining staff, they’d tell you MSNBC is totally liberal because liberals are the real racists.
So, MSNBC isn’t this liberal bastion of everything that is great about being a Democrat? Shocked face. Aside from Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow, they’re just like every other cable news network. Fuck ‘em.