Was it Cowherd who coined the phrase “It’s called the Hall of Fame, not the Hall of Very Good” (or possibly shamelessly stole it from The M Zone)? Douchebags like Noble should acknowledge their influences. He never could have been as big a jackass as he is had he not stood on the shoulders of jackasses.
Perfect. And it’s a Winston jersey.
This is a good list. You guys work better as a team, some of your individual lists look like you’re trying too hard to pick obscure games, you damn hipsters you.
This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the…
After a while it gets boring bringing your trucks to the same spot at the far end of the Walmart parking lot and you start thinking “guys, what if maybe there’s more to life”
Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.
I thought it was to get around copyright infringement issues?
we get it, you want to be different by showing a foreign language clip. please stop, it’s annoying and the novelty wore off a long time ago.
It doubles as a bathroom.
The Ryan family coaching tree is actually a bonsai Rob keeps in his van next to the foldout bed because “chicks dig that spiritual shit”
Mike Pettine: [gets ax]
No wonder the poster girl for Les Miserables is so sad. She’s a Browns fan...
Are we sure that he isn’t a regular Kinja user?
Jokes on him, I’m sitting on the couch with my hog hangin out
This is a valid point in any situation, even in non-sports related events.
The best part about Fat Guy Touchdowns is always the celebration. It’s like when one Fat Guy scores a touchdown, EVERY Fat Guy has scored a touchdown. Even the ones in the stands.
I had been hoping for months and months that LeBron was eventually going to say something strong about this case
Hearing about a couple named Candi and Jimbo getting divorced because they’re Seminoles but she slept with a Gator is the most Floridian story ever written.