
Yeah fuck the Yanks, until 2022 we should be referred to as The Derps

Can’t tell if trolling or dumb AF

OK DenseFuck123: All mass shootings are massacres, but not all massacres are mass shootings. Hiroshima wasn’t a mass shooting. San Bernardino was a mass shooting, a massacre and potentially an act of domestic terrorism (I say “potentially” because based on the evidence, their involvement with ISIS seemed like a last

What happened in Vegas was a massacre that was a “mass shooting.” Those others: Black Wall Street, Rosewood was straight up race-based domestic terrorism that didn’t stop at “mass shooting.” They were lynching niggas, tarring them, burning them alive, as well as shooting them.

a “mass shooting” and a “massacre” are not the same thing

Real talk tho: A bunch of wiley ass racist crackers from early 20th century and single white MF with an automatic weapon are not the same. MF READ (specifically That Part of Merriam-Webster that distinguishes a “shooting” and a “massacre”).

lol what a racist goon

Hilarious that these offbrand ass niggas ain’t even from former-Confederate states.



The entirety of Jacksonville Florida is some White People Shit.

and Ann Curry!

Pardon my language but fuck this nigga

crackas gon crack lol

lol ok Tami

To quote many-a-derpy Trump supporter: “Lock that bitch up!”

Why can’t it ever be one of the THESE types that gets off’d by the Po’s?

Dude is clearly the Kim K of Khristianity

Having lived in Socal since ‘04, I can say with 100% confidence that I’m proud AF to be a Black Southerner. Our perspective is priceless and e’rybody tryna be a Bama now!

Was rrrrrrreally hoping that Robert Lee is Asian.