
lol all of those same ostensible liberals are super quick to throw any recently murdered black man or woman under the bus. Truth be told, most Americans (white) conservative or liberal don’t like people who don’t typify the Whitest of white attributes. Don’t worry tho, we’ll accept them in 50-60 years...just look at

Yo it’s Bar *Stool Sports, TF is going on with all of these former-Gawker sites?

The snaps, the snaps!!

start chewing on them fingernails now then brah

Shut the fuck up, idiot. With exception of the Pistons, all Michigan teams are trash. Keep your lowbrow thoughts confined to Caspian

Derpy Eagles should sign him, all day

“If you refer to us as racists, we will not hesitate in considering legal action.”

Is it me or does Ivanka increasingly remind you of Allison Williams “Get Out” character?

Hopefully it’s enough to slay the dragon.

Wasn’t Tristan Wilds also on the 90210 revamp? or maybe it was Melrose Place? Thought that was quite a leap

Needs more stars

lol well I guess this makes me a 1D “respecter”, “fan” seems a bit much tho

Same idea as “Let’s load up on guns and ammo ‘fore Boma comes and takes oer gunz” except based in reality.

Most Basic Shit of the Decade Award winner

Newsflash: Marvel (et al) does not give a fuck, at this point they can hedge different audiences against each other. “Oh y’all are gonna complain about no black superheroes? [BOOM] Black Panther film 2018!”

Same as it ever was tho


Don’t give them too much credit yet, still haven’t really done shit as far as I’m concerned. All of their most badass party members are still considered looney within the party (Warren, Sanders, Ellison, etc.). They are spineless for the most part, even when they have Babe Ruth batting for them (Obama) and disloyal AF

Ronda is bout that life!

Great that she’s there, doesn’t do a bit of fucking good when the media (read: formerly legitimate journalistic news organizations) has lost all credibility covering dumb shit like George W. Bush in a poncho (CBSNews actually has a dumb dumb millennial-pandering video of this on FB)