
Yeah but everyone - employer and reporter - in this situation was pretty derpy

Manziel = #CakeEaterBlues

Traditional Media won’t take YouTube serious because YouTube should never be taken seriously.

yes and yes

Ayo fuck these cousin-fucking, Keith Urban-listening to, definitely ain’t gonna make into the MLB or loooool AA or AAA, “kids.”

lol ok, but this is the first time in history that Hillary has exhbited restraint.

Democrats alone can’t win the election, Independents still very much in play. Hillary is one of the most divisive politicians of the last 30 years, she does not resonate with Indies.

lol not these days!

Why is Jozy Altidore?

Can’t wait to see all the memes of all the derpy cake-eating rich kids cracking that navigation screen almost immediately after purchase.

So right! I’ve been saying for years that Girls is the worst thing ever written about millennials.

This is me, valuing your opinion:

Integrity doesn’t really seem to matter to a lot of Clinton supporters. Not all, of course, but many.

Izzy lookin judgemental and smug AF :)

I was sitting next to Hillary when this broke earlier, and those were her exact words...

Izzy looks so smug

and Breitbart...

OJ had/has CTE

How bout B-Sides ?

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