
Uhhh being able to play some last gen games is hardly a mic drop. Try again.

There won't be any women on the GOP ticket. Mitt Romney is just shooting off his mouth, he dosent control the party.

Uh huh. Well you just keep on white knighting then

When the hell did I ever say there were no male only schools?? When? I said there were no more ‘elite’ male only institutions (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, all were all male at one time). Brush up on your reading comprehension skills. The whopping four that still exist are barely a blip on the radar (sorry don’t care

Sad and pathetic. I’m sure you think it will get you laid more like most make ‘feminists’ do.

Oh please. Just stop. They have no where near the notoriety of several of the women only schools. Not to mention women have FOURTY FOUR schools to choose from. You are beyond grasping at straws here. Since when is 4 “many” of anything? Lol

Lol are you kidding me? Are you really going to compare a tiny handful of 4 small colleges no one cares about to Barnard, smith and wellsley?? There are 44 female only universities compared to a whole 4 for men. Wow no disparity there! I said if some formerly male only PROMINENT universities like Harvard where still

Absolutely, but that’s female privilege for you! Could you imagine if there were still any ‘elite’ male only institutions? The feminists would be having a shit fit.

Nope only brainwashed thinking that supports the “cause”

Except if it was an all male school. Then of course it’s patriarchal and sexist, but women’s college? No problem.

Great. How about admitting men next??

Wahhhh someone called me out on my eternal victim bullshit wahhhhh! YOU mad?? Don’t you have some mad riches to spend rather than responding to my comment? After all it’s Friday night and you are rich beyond belief right? LMFAO!

Nope. YOU mad?? Obviously mad enough to respond to my comment.

Blah blah blah, you fucking broken record. Just keep blaming something that was abolished 150 fucking years ago for all of your ills.

Why? This is in incredibly uncomfortable situation for you SJW’s as half of those charges are people of color (tm) and even a ‘gasp!’ Woman! So you don’t get to follow your typical anti white male bullshit narrative as usual.

So what? The original idea thought up by a guy with don drapers title at the same firm was still a white guy. Nothing should change. Stop smoking the diversity weed for 5 seconds and just enjoy the damn show.

A white guy thought it up. Sorry.

Seriously? Lol get real. You SJWs just never fucking shut up.

Why even bother wearing clothes??

Will this shitty franchise just fucking die already. It's the same shit over and over year after year.