
Sorry your hero got her ass humiliated by a no name Italian player. Get the fuck over it. She ain't making any history this day.

Awesome! So great to see Serena served humble pie by a nobody. Fuck off Serena!

9 guys this year so far? Are your legs ever closed?

Good. Then get the fuck out.

It's shouldn't be.

Love these racist gawker articles and how you “progressives” eat your own lol!

Your average gawker commenter is a brainwashed fool to the left of Lenin. As you said they think they are the mainstream but in reality they are in the lunatic fringe of the left.

If you think Obama is center right them you must be a flat out communist.

Keep laughing as this email scandal continues to get worse and worse and her poll numbers continue to plummet.

Uhhh no she's not. At this point she will be lucky if she sees even the nominee

Stacked in their favor?? The entire educational system is feminized. There are more women in college than men. What fucking planet are you on??

Uh it is a bad thing. You’d certainly be Bitching if it were reverse.

Lol are you kidding me? The best high school teams can and have beaten the women's national team.

Wahhhh. Go watch girls if you can't handle the show.

That was awesome. Fuck you Feminists.

This incident pretty much blows out of the water the fantasy that racism will go away when the ‘olds’ die off. Time to get real.

Ahhhh yes the traditional father bashing article for fathers’s day on this sewer of a website.

In your twisted leftist mind. He was also a war hero and a great president who massively expanded our territory. So too fucking bad. He stays.

You fucking feminists are never satisfied. Well fucking suck it up.

Rip off junk....