
Because the talent isn’t there. Women’s national teams globalyly routinely lose to the men’s U-20 and even U-17 teams. And we’re all away of the famous William sisters beat down to a sub 200 ranked man years back. Women’s sports are great to watch you can review my comment history going fucking nuts on Deadspin for

What a mind fuck to heteronormative expectations it would be if there was a woman in the MLB. Just the other day, my brother spoke to me about a colleague who asked “whether an all-star men’s high school team could beat the Women’s World Cup USA team.” Of course they fucking couldn’t, but it speaks to expectations

You know what will make me angrier? The double standard of the media. Ignoring all the black on white crime. Those stories rarely get past the local level and then they use code words. There was a white female cop that had just got back from maternity leave and was gunned down a couple weeks ago. Two other cops were

This isn’t a problem that can be “solved” there will always be evil men and women out there, there will always be racism and hatred. You just have to seek out the goodness in the world. The only way to “solve” these kinds of issues is to control everything every single person does every single day, and that is not

Going to as a legitimate source of information in regards to men makes as much sense as going to for feminist thought.

tbh, I was less concerned with getting a woman on the bill as I was with getting Jackson off of it.

Not sure being able to play last gen’s games is really a mic drop moment...

I identify as a Apache attack helicopter, they need to let me have access to ordinance so I can purge this degeneracy.

Logical thinking is not welcome here.

Yes, it is where the women plot their nefarious gynocentric agenda.

Here’s the thing - if that’s really the goal, then single gender schools (whether private or public) should be banned.

You shouldn’t have a choice to go to a single gender school just because you decided you only feel comfortable learning in a single-gender environment.

If I feel comfortable learning in an environment

Yes, the entire show should have been re-written to specifically cater to your PC feels.

Yes. As I said last night, I was really hoping he would step up and be a good dad to his kids, finally. But nope! Still more with the me me me. So very selfish.

I really don’t think Sally hates Don. He might think she does, but I don’t think she actually does. She just sees him as a flawed person, and she’s also angry and sad and scared.

Yeah. I mean, just go naked already and have done with it. This is tacky AND it’s same-old, same-old.

There aren't many landscapers that go to work expecting that someone is going to murder them. You think you're cute with your statistics but really you should grow the fuck up. Just like any profession there are good and bad people. That doesn't mean you have to demean everyone. Lots of police officers have developed

Uhhhh. I don't agree with the Duggars ideals or physiology regarding women, religion or history. I have no issues with the size of their family. More power to them. That said, they are just a big family that are zealots. That does not make them a cult like the Manson family. They do fall under the definition cult but