
Oh my god the Horror!! A republican! You should burn him at the stake now you dumb lib.

You basically described about every white person poster and writer on gawker. THis is THE premier white guilt site on the web.

an idiotic point by a moron.

^^ And I truly hope you get all of those things in life. No need for you to apologize I was the one who flew off the handle and acted like an idiot. I was just angered at the seemingly joyful mob mentality to destroy these peoples lives, what they said was completely ignorant and stupid to be sure, but I just didn’t

You know what? I was going to make a snide remark back, but I’m not. I actually read your post and I want to apologize for my previous posts and acting like an asshole. It sounds like you and your partner are just hardworking people making a good life for your kids. All these mini cultural battles over gay marriage

415k and counting.... Lmfao. League of legends? I don’t even know what the fuck that is. This is coming from someone using a Star Wars reference as a put down?? And I am the one that needs to get a life?? HAHAHAHA! Lol are you one of those gamer guurls? Or even better a LARPer. Wouldn’t expect any different. Pathetic.

300k now. I hope it hits a million, at this rate they will have more money then their buisness is worth. Love when your little self righteous hate crusades blow up in your stupid fucking SJW faces. Now go back to your silly hashtag activism little girl.

Nice try? 210k and counting jackass...

Yeah just like it put chik fil a out of buisness too right??? Oh wait.....

Actually it's 50k now.

Who gives a shit if they just want to work here, by law you don't have that right as a foreigner just because they want to. And BTW fear of traffickers or gangs are NOT credible asylum fears (otherwise no one would ever be sent back). It has to be government sponsored persecution and you have to be able to credibly

Do you really believe the trash you spew?? Sure lets just open all the borders to all the 3rd world so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside, our finite resources be damned. Not to mention we have a little thing called ‘borders’ and ‘national sovereignty’ (which I know people like you despise) just like every other

WRONG. 8 USC 1325 improper entry into the U.S.. Punishable up to 6 months in prison or a fine. It is a CRIMINAL code violation to cross the border without inspection and illegals can and do get prosecuted for it.

And their issues in their own countries is our problem how?? So maybe we should just take in all the worlds poor just so they could have a ‘chance at a decent existence’

Lol your insanely stupid scenario proves how much of an idiot lib you really are.