Cops bear arms against the working class for a living. They choose to enforce unjust laws and put people innocent of any valid crime in prison. That’s all cops: it’s their job description. It is not remotely the same thing as being black or a gamer.
Maybe if EMTs didn’t illegally administer ketamine on police orders, we wouldn’t have to film you.
I hope he left with a copy of that tape. Because if he didn’t, it has surely “disappeared” by now.
Thank god the fascists have people like you to lick their boots clean.
I can barely get those things to work the way they’re designed to, much less some other way.
The weird thing is that putting it that way would make it a hack, i.e. the thing this site is for, whereas saying you’re doing it wrong is really more of a “acktyually”.
They used to sell these on TV infomercials. The big selling point was that unlike can openers that cut down, you didn’t end up with sharp edges and dirty lids in your food. They turned those two points into 30 minutes of advertainment.
Modern cans are lined with plastic to prevent botulinum contamination. You heat one of those up in the campfire, you’re gonna have a bad time.
I just threw out a lunchbag that had the coolant incorporated into the walls of the bag. Turns out freezing does not kill odor-causing bacteria, and I could not for the life of me get the smell out no matter how many times I turned it inside-out and wiped it down with a variety of household cleaners. It’s a shame,…
I should not have to point out, on Lifehacker of all places, that anecdotes are not data and extraordinary claims like “the statistics are wrong” require extraordinary evidence. This is not just me being pedantic: stories like this are fine when presented as “hey look at this cute thing” but when you present them as…
I’m a backer of Bard’s Tale IV. I doubt this game - and the remastered original trilogy - would have gotten made if the original games’ popularity hadn’t been bolstered by the availability of emulators to remind everybody why they liked them so much all those years ago.
On what grounds? We don’t apply that standard to other types of creations. It would be absurd to argue that, for example, Frank Gehry has the right to knock down a building because he doesn’t like the design anymore. Why should creators of more ephemeral works have that right? Copyright is meant to encourage the…
What’s art and what’s not depends on who you ask. And I would argue that ET, more than most games, should be preserved forever because it is the stuff not only of video game history (as arguably the worst game ever made) but also of multiple urban legends. And it’s never going to be re-released, because it’s…
You’re out of your mind if you think you can out-asshole someone who deals with professional assholes every day of their lives. Ticketing clerks have real power over you, however little of it, and they will not hesitate to do everything they can to make you regret talking to them like that. These are the same people…
Not if you fire it into the Sun.
Somebody throw a blacked-out (“to protect your eyes from the Sun!”) astronaut helmet on Trump, take him to the Transformers ride at Universal Studios, and tell him those are his Space Force Robot Soldiers already winning the war to ethnically cleanse space or whatever it is he thinks he wants to do. Before he gets us…
Most of the commenters on this article - even the ones against Space Force - just assume this to be the case. A lot of “of course the US owns space and everything in it, and is justified in militarizing it, but that should be done by the Air Force.”
I agree. What the world needs now is more arms races. Why limit ourselves to only a few ways to wipe out all human life on Earth when the possibilities are endless?
Forced sterilization of transgender people was in the Splinter article. Either they don’t think that’s hate, in which case they won’t think anything is hate, or they’re just trolling.