
Ah yes, noted proponent of civility and not bothering white people, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I fondly recall his Letter from Birmingham Jail, in which he wrote such things as, “Injustice anywhere is no reason to bother people at dinner time,” and, “Justice too long delayed is just the price you have to pay

Wherever progressives have stood up and shown up, they’ve actually been winning at a remarkable clip.

There sure are a whole lot of people here who don’t seem to be aware that any Clinton nomination to SCOTUS would have been to the right of every liberal on the court, up to and possibly including Kennedy.

It’s been a real bad day for separation of church and state at SCOTUS. Not only did they rule that banning people because of their religion is fine and dandy, they also ruled that making clinics pretending to have medical licenses admit they don’t have medical licenses is a violation of the First Amendment but forcing

people are just going to have to trespass and get those kids out of there

If there is a God, I pray that it will show them no mercy at all.

“First they refused service to the Nazis, and I spoke out, calling for civility. Then they refused service to the Nazi collaborators, and I spoke out again, calling for civility. Then they refused service to the Nazi enablers, and I couldn’t eat at my favorite restaurant anymore.” - Chuck Schumer

child detention centers

In Japan people would assume you are a criminal because you have tattoos. You would be banned from gyms and spas, and it would be difficult if not impossible for you to find employment. There would be considerable societal pressure on you to not have tattoos. As a result, most Japanese people do not have tattoos.

There’s such a huge difference between arguments like yours and pillbinge’s that are essentially trying to be accommodating of the differently-gendered while acknowledging the reality of gender issues but taking a contrary-to-the-mainstream view, and those of...mostly everyone else who’s just being hateful.

If you get followed by a staff writer, you’re ungrayed forever (or until you’re banned/unfollowed by that person). If you get starred or replied to by an ungrayed person, you are ungrayed for that comment. Most of the ungrayed trolls you see are ungrayed only for that comment/thread because an ungrayed commenter took

As is the currently top-ranked thread.

Yes, fine, theoretically there could be malicious code in a banner ad, which means you’d also need to be running an ad blocker.

This is another vulnerability that requires you to fall for a phishing attack before it can be used. I know it’s still a best practice to keep everything updated and locked down, but let’s face it: if you’re falling for phishing emails, you’ve got much bigger problems.

Yeah but it’s not fair to call these concentration camps because they’re not enslaving torturing gassing them.

Considering the alternative is sitting alone in a cage with an empty bag of chips and a Mylar blanket, I’m sure they do love going to school.

You so nailed it. Liberals think of Democrats the way Trump thinks of himself.

Yep. Jaywalking and homicide are equally heinous crimes.

Giving it more thought, I do partially agree with you. Even if it’s tactically inadvisable (or impossible) to actually bring the articles, they should be constantly reminding the American people that Trump’s assorted crimes justify impeachment. That’s important specifically because the Mueller investigation may turn