
They play Eminem at the church gym where I used to work out. Which is to say that your “common sense” is another person’s “really, are you serious?”

You say “these kids knew better” as though it was a given. It isn’t. They would not have been fired at my alma mater’s coffee shop, where they played vulgar music all the time. They had no reason to assume that it was inappropriate to play music popular with college students at an establishment that caters to college

Until this week, everyone had believed that Renova Group owned Columbus Nova—SEC filings even showed as much—which Columbus Nova now denies.

Maybe that’s true. It’s certainly a tenet of American jurisprudence that you’re supposed to be tried for the crime you committed and not the crime you got away with (although as we saw with OJ, that doesn’t always hold up). But this was not a court of law, and I’m still not gonna shed any tears for the bastard.

Even if she did kill herself, Charlie Beck has plenty of other things to answer for. He is no innocent man.

“Hope I die before I get old.” Once an expression of Boomers’ youthful angst, now their best chance to evade freezing or starving on the streets.

“I’m so mad that people from my organization, an organization built on the exaltation of selfishness and using others to get ahead, would be selfish and use others to get ahead.” - Turning Point USA members, apparently unironically

Yes, I’m sure Becky’s half-drunk stumbling across the stage while her sorority sisters woo and shout inside jokes was severely disrupted.

If it was like a bullet-wound it’d be fine. That’s what you call a self-solving problem. But conservative America’s self-inflicted ailment is more like Ebola: we need to quarantine these assholes or we’re dead too.

I’m sure the police immediately charged the caller with filing a false police report. Right?

Marxist-Leninist-Maoism isn’t the only kind of socialism. But we can deal with that when the time comes.

But can you write a puff piece about how American Nazis register for wedding gifts at Target?

No responsible gun owner points their gun at anything they do not intend to shoot. Ever. Not if the safety’s on. Not if they’re “sure” it’s not loaded. If the action is closed, the gun is a loaded weapon ready to fire. Period.

Officially? Neither. Secretly? I’m guessing both.

Not telling people they’re losers because they’re not rubbing skins with someone else on a regular basis would go a long way. But that would have to come hand-in-hand with everything else you said (that I 100% agree with), because our economy is heavily dependent on marketing, and most marketers’ only strategy is

My beef is with the fact that social awkwardness is used as a measurement of employability when the two have nothing to do with each other. I know Lifehacker is just teaching us how to win the game we’ve been forced to play.

It’s not the discoloration, it’s the physical bagginess. Concealer can do a lot but it can’t keep light from casting shadows.

Good point, and the fact that I didn’t think of it means I still have work to do.

...thereby raising the IQ of the person who left that “tip”.

A few years back the Sacramento police were pulling good drivers over and giving them “tickets” for free ice cream. It was not well-received. It was also probably illegal.