You kind of have to admire her ambition*. Get forced out of your company? Why not run for senator! Disastrous senate race? Why not run for president!
You kind of have to admire her ambition*. Get forced out of your company? Why not run for senator! Disastrous senate race? Why not run for president!
Past: Don’t Trust The B——
Problem is, it’s not the cop’s money you get if you win the lawsuit. It’s the government’s money. So the government pays out and the cop goes on his merry way with little or no consequences.
God I love him. Like have a genuine feeling of affection for him. I love lots of rappers and musicians, but not in that “I kind of wish I was related to you” way that I have for Killer Mike.
The world is waiting for a thinker who can describe poverty through the lens of social psychology.
You almost 100% will :( Along with talking about how she looks, what she’s wearing, weird attempts to use Monica Lewinsky to question her ability to lead, whether she’s too emotional to be president...
Do they still have that thing in the entertainment industry where people deliberately try to get fired? Because that is the only explanation I have for this and the Adam Sandler movie.
You don’t even know who’s running against her in the primary. The inevitability of her being the Democratic candidate was the same crap we heard in 2007-2008.
There’s a nonzero chance that the waitress in story #2 was my ex.
I’m an adult and this is one of my greatest fears.
One Million Moms is actually like 17 dudes. Not sure whether any of them have kids, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
TIL pterodactyls were not dinosaurs.
Damn. I haven’t had to reset winsock since the 90s. Really takes me back.
God I love her. I don’t even understand how she kept the TYCI podcast going while on tour, but she damn well did. A few (thousand) internet trolls are not gonna keep her down.
Subway’s success comes from the “fuck it” effect. They just built one next to every single office building on the planet, and when the office workers forget to bring their lunch and only have 30 minutes to figure something out, they say “fuck it, I’ll just go to fucking Subway.”
I think you mistook my statement for a position. I’m pro-whatever the hell consenting adults want to do with their bodies, and I strongly suspect that even in a postfeminist society there will be women (and men) who choose to earn their living performing for the male (and female) gaze.
I have often said that equal-opportunity objectification will be the gender equality we end up with.
I’m sure you’re perfectly capable of using Google, but yes, all the evidence points to transwomen having been born women, the same way that gay people are born gay. However, for a number of reasons (all surgery has risks, it’s very expensive, gender reassignment requires constant maintenance, a variety of personal…
Well Nick, there’s a good chance that a candidate will get caught utilizing Snapchat with an underage volunteer. Probably not what you had in mind though.
Some people are never happy. You don’t want us to torture wild animals. You don’t want us to torture animals born in captivity. It’s like you don’t want us to torture animals at all!