
Can’t believe it took this long for someone to point that out. I mean, I totally get it: I wanted to watch Daredevil the second Netflix released it. But Netflix can be trusted (and also you’re paying the same either way). You just can’t take it on good faith that preorders and day-of-release purchases are going to

There's no point at which "I fucked your dad" is going to be less damaging than it is now. If it takes her 20 years to find out it'll still completely do her head in. He can walk away without telling her, but he can't marry her without telling her.

Well, this just further cements my choice to start using my home gym equipment again, no really I am, OK after TV, OK tomorrow, OK on Monday, OK next week. Next week for sure though.

I’m genuinely amazed that there are people who go barefoot into a public shower. You might as well just rub MRSA germs all over your body.

Eh. That depends. Anything with more than three variables is more efficient in a phone call.

Excuse me, Ms. Riley, but it’s rude to call people before 10:30am.

I’m shocked that a supplement not-even-subtly named like “dexedrine” had an amphetamine-like compound in it.

All 20 blocks of it?

I have never regretted leaving that shithole town.

I love music and I buy it - from artists if I can, then from bandcamp if I can, then from Amazon if I can, then from iTunes if I have to - but unless I'm getting it signed, I'm not gonna buy physical media. For me that's just purchasing clutter.

Topaz was a “relocation center”.

Trent Reznor never gave his music away until he could already afford to.

If they're actually going to pay artists & producers & engineers et al. more money (and they have a catalog worth listening to) then I am the target consumer. I would prefer people in the music industry continue to work in the music industry because they can actually afford to.

the act of love

I didn’t realize how bad Lyme disease can be until I saw The Punk Singer. I am very sad for her to have to deal with that shitty, horrible disease.

Smarten up the recommendation queue algorithm. Just because I play Terraria doesn't mean I want to see every half-baked Early Access crafting game on Steam.

But gifs are often memes.

Hmmm. Hilarious gifs or trying to solve the fucking rebus somebody texted me?