
So many racist jokes waiting to happen here...

@TechnoDestructo: This is why backup cameras are going to become mandatory.

Needs moar rubber ducky.

If you watch the entire Mater movie, which basically makes fun of F&F Tokyo Drift, you get to see Lightning McQueen moonwalk at the end. Definitely worth it.

@zerobandwidth: Why don't they just start running White Lake Formula 1 Ring?

@gm0n3y: I think its partly to do with your citizenship. I have dual citizenship, so neither country can stop me from coming in.

I actually saw two of these on the way home from school today... wierd

@Isetta: well, all you have to do to get across is phone ahead and say that you're coming with a gun and all the border guards will run away.

0:08 - That courier's got some work ahead.

@LoganSix: cmon bro... don't be hatin, be participatin

I dunno what's with those colors... imma have to talk to my dealer, bro, he mighta gave me some bad stuff yesterday

So will your insurance be required to hand over the info in the event that you get pulled over and go to court? Or what if a crime is committed and someone identifies your car? Will they soon be saving gps data as well and have to hand that over?

@2xwishbroz: woah, bro, hold up. are those 14 in gold-plated ronals you rollin on there?

Ford Capri Cosworth.

When a bro's gonna git down, this is how he rides.

@slanket: wrong thread... that belongs with the muira lemans prototype article