
@LoganSix: That is an awesome warthog replica. And I agree with Matt about the fun in running over people with Warthogs. My friends and I sometimes play multiplayer games where you are only allowed to kill someone in this method. Head-on collisions are usually used to knock the driver out of his Warthog, and then you

@Almightywhacko: Part of the problem that they're dealing with is the disproportionate amount of SUVs and large trucks. I backed my boss' GMC Sierra 2500 into a car before because I honestly could not see the car out the window. Height of the truck combined with the length of the bed made backing out really tricky. If

seriously, i'm surprised there's not more phallic jokes here than i'm seeing...

maybe if the camera was still I would be able to tell how bad the driver was.

@drock905: Fair enough... I just feel that it isn't very stylish, I like the looks of a Civic hatchback more.

@tonyola: I have driven one actually, and while I thought it handled well, it wasn't as enjoyable to drive as my mom's E30. And the one I drove was a stock '89 Si in good shape that went for $1500.

@dmoon: That was an Integra. Probably a high-schooler who had been drinking and wanted to get out before the cops showed up.

@duurtlang: I dunno... my younger brother's friend just bought one for $1500, and it was in pretty good shape. Also, the wheels on that picture will never be considered classic either.

@gavinski91: btw I shouldn't take all the credit for that.

If you can't Dodge it, Ram it.

@cubsftw: The wheelbase and design of that thing always make me think of a Hot Wheels car.

Honda CRX. Although it may be a somewhat sporty car, it will always be the cheap high-schooler's first car (or ridiculously riced).

Apparently your guardian angel is an 11-year old girl with a magenta dress and sparkly pink wings. Who knew?

Some nicely roasted brakes on that Corvette in #1...

@Saturn666: I see what you did there...

It strikes nausea in the stomachs of do-gooders too...