I am aware of hobbies. And it is great that high school kids were able to build the 944. But per the title of the article, I think it is hugely misleading to the reader.
I am all for kids getting into car building, and I think that aspect of it is great. But the title implies a lowly 944 beat a Tesla. A more appropriate title could have been:
Ok, going with it just being a story about a drag race, where is the actual story? Someone spent $85,000 on a 944 to beat a production car in a drag race? It is just click bait nothing more nothing less.
So let me get this straight. A purpose built drag car, on slicks, beat a production road car. I would have been shocked if the Porsche had NOT won the race.
Best bottle without a doubt. The cap that keeps the mouth piece clean is a godsend. I am on my second one, and with daily use over 6 years have never had a single leak. LOVE IT!
Best bottle without a doubt. The cap that keeps the mouth piece clean is a godsend. I am on my second one, and…
While parked no, but while driving it definitely detracts from the experience IMO.
It may be cozy in a car for a few minutes, but soon enough the windows will start to fog, and god damn it if you don't have to turn on the A/C and freeze for a while to defrost the stupid thing. And that my friend is why blankets at home win in the end.
Its all good. Don't get me wrong, I like your articles and they make people at least think about things more than they might normally do. But I think this ZO6 is a bust.
Because he posted his phone number "for any questions", and I had a question.
Flood damage was my first thought too, and there is not chance in hell I would get this either.
I called the number on the ebay ad and spoke to the owner. Seemed like a nice enough guy, but who knows. Says he doesn't know why it was salvaged, but bought it from an auction. Replaced the bumper and lower valence with new OEM parts from a Chevy dealer. Replaced the radiator with another one he already had (has…
That is perfectly understandable, but the insurance company determined the repair cost was over 75% of the value of the car. So fixes that the insurance company said would cost $27,000, this guy was able to fix for an easy $3,000 including paint and labor.
"The body shop could've overcharged, and structural parts, such as the radiator support are reinforced with carbon fiber, making them not cheap." But the repair was inexpensive at only $3000 including labor and paint. So assuming expensive parts, very few were replaced.
Something seems off. Tearing off a front valence doesn't normally constitute the needs for a rebuilt title. I would have to assume there was frame or suspension damage. (the photo of the alignment suggests it). Hell for all you know the oil pan was ripped off in the accident and could have caused all sorts of…
I see a needed rule change. All drivers must keep their safety gear on while their engine is running. Simple enough, and I really don't know how this isn't the defacto rule already.
And what new car are you adding to the fleet?
If you really want to flip them, get a used car dealers license and you can avoid the tax.