
I will say though, talk your feelings out. Divide the chores differently during the summer. My boyfriend cooks dinner for me most of the time during the summer whereas he is often too tired to do it during the school year. He picks up extra projects around the house and takes care of errands for me. I find that he

I get it. My sister and my boyfriend are both teachers and I get real grumpy when summer comes along and they suddenly have all the time in the world while I’m still trapped in the grind. But then I remember how insane they both are during the school year, the fact that he comes home from work sometimes tired enough

Haha. My boyfriend’s Cajun and grew up around New Orleans. So he has a lot of experience concerning what happens to people who think they can hold their liquor but really can’t...

That was horrible. I wish someone in the crowd would have intervened sooner when it became obvious that this would not succeed and he was falling all over her and burying his face in her crotch.

Me too, man. I love my boyfriend, but he can’t really hold his liquor and is a That Guy drunk. He knows this about himself and is good 99 percent of the time, but I have some bad memories from the 1 percent...

My boyfriend and I were drunk in a ragtime bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans and we had been dating for almost six year, lived together, and often talked about getting married but stuff always came up (surprise bills, job losses, illness, etc) that made him put off proposing to me. This time I had gotten a job

Okay, but in most formal writing, including written journalism, style rules dictate that you refer to a school, agency, or anything else by its full, proper name on first reference. The full name of the school is The University of Texas at Austin. I am a Texas grad. That is what my diploma says. They’re following

That’s the school’s official name.

I HATE CHIGGERS. I hated camping and bugs, and one year at Girl Scout camp all the other campers decided to cut off the path through some tall grass to get back to our cabin and laughed at me when I was too afraid. Well, they all got chiggers and I didn’t, so who’s laughing now??!!

That’s a legit nightmare.

I LOVED Maelstrom. I had a weird obsession with that ride as a kid. I’m pretty said they’re Disneying it up too. I found it thrilling and almost scary as a kid, which is rare in Disney!

I am learning this is a pretty common Disney World torture experience from all the responses.

Two hours on Space Mountain! Did they at least turn on the lights??

I should add that we went to Disney World twice more: When I was 16, in 1999, during the Y2K scare. They were working on a lot of the rides because of the expected computer problems and we got stuck on a lot of them for extended periods of time. The cars would stop and they wouldn’t let you get out while the scenes

I am in third grade and we are on the way to Disney World. I am stoked. It is my first visit. This is a budget Disney World vacation scrimped and saved for by my middle class, penny pinching parents, so instead of flying we were packed up into the family mini van for two days of driving from the south Texas coast to

I got a case of horrendous bronchitis at 27 that took a month and two inhalers to kick. I couldn’t physically smoke. I still tried though, like an idiot, and after a few weeks my cough was starting to subside and I dumbly thought, “Yay! Cigarette time!” and lit one up and almost died. I’ve never been able to tolerate

This is awesome. You deserve more stars.

Why do they make you do this pose in every senior photo? I have one from 2002 just like this, with my neck craned awkwardly in an awkward velvet shrug (with an awesome 2000s middle part).

This year was my boyfriend’s first year as a teacher and he had a miserable year. His homeroom class was full troublemakers and I had leave him alone to travel out of state for work for a few months so he was coming home to an empty house after every hard day, enduring a lot of the misery by himself. So when Teacher

Seriously. I met a guy on the internet in 2002. I was a teenager who still lived with my parents and had a flip phone and I STILL managed to find a webcam so we could video chat. It grainy, but it was love. If I could do that nearly 15 years ago, your 2015 internet boyfriend/girlfriend can certainly beg/borrow/steal a