
No one has offered a rebuttal because that is a blindingly dumb and trollish statement.

Man I’m a little embarrassed but this is the sound of my 80s childhood. My aunt was weirdly obsessed with the California Raisins and would get us tons of little Raisins toys for our stockings and we’d watch the Christmas special on tape every year. Goddamn that was a weird cultural phenomenon.

Actually one of the nice things about this show is that its not about tying everything up in a nice little bow for you, kinda like real life!

Hello fellow Corpus Christi person. It’s true, our city could run on Selena family drama.

Yeah as much as I love the cast this show got kinda bad and never recovered. I’m almost relieved its being put out of its misery. Gorilla boob touch anyone?

Yeah down here in Texas it’s full on “paw paw” and its only for grandpas and surrogate grandpas.

He giggled a lot, it was kind of adorable.

He is very talented but he does seem super erratic. I saw him on tour and he was 2 hours late for his show and extended one of his popular songs for 25 minutes rambling about how no one understands him. Hope he can find a way to level out and deal with some of his paranoid thoughts and be happy.

He’s a real life jerk? Nooooooo

Yeah I thought they were horrible together and she was awful to him AND YET I shipped them because Greg is pretty much 100 percent the kind of cynical underachiever I go for in real life. And that voice!!!

A couple of years ago I was let go from my job and had to find another. My boyfriend of six years and I had been talking about moving to Texas to be closer to my family for some time so we decided that I’d look for jobs over there and I very quickly got an offer. He had to stay behind for a few months to finish out a

I voted for Bobby Jindal.

Oh man, I vividly remember the first time I saw someone pooping in public. I came in extra-early to work at the large city newspaper I was doing an internship at to find a homeless man squatting near the enterance wedged between our building and a tree taking an alarmingly unhealthy-looking shit. I told the

Haha I remember I got a violent stomach flu that had be barfing like every half hour and I couldn’t even keep down water. It got to the point that I just stripped down to my underwear and laid down on the bathmat between barfs. My boyfriend was so worried, he kept coming in to try to help me and massage my back and I

This story is the best.

Oh my Gosh. When I was a teen I worked in an ice cream shop and as you can imagine the place got crazy dirty literally every day so my boss liked us wipe everything down and mop with diluted ammonia. I was a dumb upper middle class white kid and had only ever seen your average grocery store cleaning products and I

Yeah, my mom is an OR nurse and she used to do surgery prep and one of her frequent complaints was cleaning the “cheese” from the larger patients to make things sterile for surgery...

It was real awkward.

Oh yeah, man. My mom is an OR nurse and is also kind of oblivious so she used to come home from work with the GROSSEST stories over dinner. My other favorite thing was that we lived in a small town so a lot of people would come to my mom for minor emergencies or general health help, so I’d be hanging out while my mom

Once I was in the ER for a kind of ambiguous thing (dizzy/sweaty/heart palpitations) and so they wanted to run all the tests on me, including the cup of pee. I was given a cup, peed, and came out and the nurse who sent me there was gone. I went to the nearest medical-looking person and I was like (holding warm pee