
Yeah, that kind of confused me too. Dude should have let the extradition go through, but he probably would have just been killed sooner if he did. It’s just really, really fucked with the cartels down there. Just think, if we legalized drugs we’d completely undercut the funding for the cartels...although they might

To reply to my own post, I’m not here for any bullshit distinguishing between WCW and the NWA. Ric Flair was the greatest champion.

So is this a Dudetrio then?

Does that pram have a chandelier what am I looking at here

I really don’t think his truly rabid fan-base is all that large. A lot of people are voting for him because they’ll vote for the Republican candidate no matter who it is. But I don’t think those same people would watch a Trump News Network channel all day long. Fox News already exists, and I think his schtick is

That’s what they call sex.

As a maple-sucker myself, this is really pathetic and condescending. Also, untrue!

Even if they don’t, John McCain can still go fuck himself.

“Put him in a straitjacket and give him an enema! Wait, give him an enema FIRST, then put him in a straitjacket!”


It would be worth it just to do the Count Von Count voice.

“I think the Man in Black is actually Arnold”

This article convinced me I’m an android.

Isis does this, but much much worse, and more organized. They do horrible things that you could never imagine to women and very young girls. They have a whole system of selling young girls. I had to pull over my car and cry while listening to a young girl tell about how she was bought and sold to multiple men and

Boko Haram’s leader has pledged bayat, or loyalty/allegiance, to ISIS’s so-called caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The groups are two sides of the same cursed coin.

ISIS also kidnaps girls and sells them as sex slaves, so they fully need excising too.

If we rip their earrings out, do they not bleed?

Stars: they’re just like us.