Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Money definitely cannot buy good taste.

Their design language is too consistent; they all look like Veyron refreshes, a la the Corvette.

Except, if he drives it like this, he’s endangering everyone around him - and even more people at night.

“Influencer” needs to not be a thing.

There are people out there making amazing things by themselves, and yet we’re supposed to believe that a 1/8th time CEO that clearly spends a majority of his day on his personal social media site is the ONLY person in the entire world that can run Tesla effectively ,and should be paid BILLIONS to bribe him to do his

We at NASA would like to invite you to join our creative division where we pitch great useful ideas for funding but never put them into actual use.

I don’t think anyone with a chronic illness is surprised by any of this. People love to ask how you’re feeling so that they can congratulate you on being brave/a fighter/etc when you politely just say “fine” and downplay things. People don’t like when you actually acknowledge how much it fuckin’ sucks because that’s

Oh yes; it’s very weird in the show.

I haven’t seen the show, do they make this weirder than the average lactation fetish?

Some of the warmest moments in recent history for me was discovering that women are absolutely kicking down the barriers of male dominated spaces.

I have no doubt that the Trumpists will be claiming today that “clean fakes” is the actual phrase and always was, and using it as much as possible.

Meanwhile Trump is waving to people that don’t exist whenever we leaves a building, gets off a plane, etc.

It’s funny to me when Tesla Stans celebrate the profit levels of Tesla - they are only making huge profits because you are overpaying, right?

He essentially threatened to kill her. I’m cool with what she did. Was it a risk? Of course it was, but she must have been seething with rage after all she had been through from this guy in the past.

Sun is getting real low. 

This is the same guy who claims he aced a “cognitive test,” but forgot the name of the doctor who administered it.

“You know what a clean fake is?” Trump continued. “They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake. Now, if I’m perfect, they say he made a mistake. He did. Perfect. I don’t say clean fakes, although they do. They do

The same people who accuse Rage Against the Machine of “going woke.”

Trump was starstruck because “I’ve been watching her” on Will & Grace, and here was a beautiful celebrity being “so thankful” to him. “And I’m saying, ‘She’d do anything for me,’” he reflected, his words “lathered with a suggestive grease, similar to” the infamous Access Hollywood tape, Setoodeh writes.