Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Change for change’s sake is stupid.  Cars have had manual door latches for a century for one simple reason: they work.

Can we do something about Cobra replica prices? This is advertised as a 1967 AC Cobra, but it’s not that. It’s a 2004 replica. A replica that is asking $52,000. Even with a 427, that seems like a lot.

Whenever Musk is talking about population stuff, you gotta remember to substitute “people” with “white people from Western countries” and it’ll all make perfect sense. This is just old-fashioned white supremacist eugenics that’s thinly veiled behind some science-y language to make it more palatable.

I’m confused, is this about something bought brand new at a dealership, or any car? Because I’m very happy with my Saab 900 I paid $900 for. It’s all I could ask for in a DD.

So in order to provide owners with the best possible view of their needles’ sweep, Bugatti has designed a fixed hub steering wheel, the spokes of which connect to the column behind the “skeletonized cluster.”

Resident Alien has been officially renewed for a fourth season, but will now air on USA instead of Syfy.

“Regardless of what proposed hiring practices are put into place, the bottom line is … piloting is basically a male occupation. You don’t find little girls when they’re 10 years old saying, ‘Hey, I want to be an airline pilot’ or playing with little model airplanes or flying model airplanes. It’s pretty much a

This would delight my 7th grade science teacher who loved experimenting with oobleck.

It makes Tesla’s non-interior look good by comparison.

If crypto isn’t inherently a scam, then why would “the feds” running a crypto coin be a honeypot?  They’re trying to catch people conducting legitimate transactions?  Makes no sense.

Because I don’t know how you root for Homelander. When the guy is slurping up breast milk,

To sum up: an influencer/amateur boxer asked an insurrectionist/felon/former POTUS about the existence of aliens, which the FelonOTUS answered with a word salad about handsome pilots who are taller than Tom Cruise and saw “some really strange things” while flying their “super fighter jet planes.”

OMG, who could’ve seen this coming? Aside from everyone, from the very beginning.

There’s quite the difference between “big-ass wiper” and “big ass-wiper.”

The chromed plastic strips on modern cars looks like crap anyways. This is not chrome:

Given enough time Trump would take us back to 1655 and have all progressives and abortion doctors and LGBTQ people burned at the stake for being satanic pedophile witches.

It should be like a cage match, but on a trash barge floating in shark-infested waters. Loser gets knocked into the water, winner gets to stay on the trash barge. . . permanently.

But they are getting more aggressive. They keep making ads longer and adding more ad breaks. If they’re successful in fully nullifying ad blockers, that means everyone will be stuck watching however many ads YT wants. It’ll be like that scene in Ready Player One where they say they’ve determined they can make the

Instead of building robot babysitters, he could just wear a condom.  Much cheaper and easier.

Pushing ads so aggressively will only drive people off of YouTube altogether. I put up with waiting 5 seconds to skip ads for years because I realise ads are how they pay for server space, and I’m sure as shit not paying a monthly subscription to occasionally watch a game trailer or music video. But then they started