Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Just wiping your hand with normal skin oils will stain the stainless steel.

Be the change you want to see in the world <3

Seeing a Tesla customer or a Xshitter user now reminds me of Bill Engvall’s “Here’s your Sign” bit. The fools are just easier to spot now.

I knew he was a total POS ages ago, even before the Model 3 debute. All you needed to do is read his history with other businesses like Paypal and how he forced Tesla to call him a founder of the company.

I mean, look at their Idols; Trump and Musk. I never heard men bitch and whine so much about how the world is so mean to them.

Yep! These are the same fools who used to argue that all crimes are hate crimes and laughed when brodozers would blast exhaust smoke at cyclists. 

Deep down inside we all think like Elon which is why we purchase his products to support his and his quest to help humanity.”

1. I pulled up a block from ASUC. A female student walking by talking on the phone said that a Cybertruck just ruined her day loudly, obviously wanting me to hear it.

The irony of the Fascism-Curious suddenly caring about hate crimes is delicious.

Musk is a fucking piece of nazi dog shit and so is anyone that drives one of these ridiculous shitcans.  FUCK YOU, deplorable morons.

So the difference between Elonistas, Elon, and Nazis is ... nothing.

On behalf over every Prius driver that’s ever been tailgated by an asshole in a bro-dozer, and on behalf of every EV driver that’s ever been inconvenienced by a jerk parking their Mo-par noisemaker in an EV charging spot, and on behalf of every driver that’s ever had to choke on some douchebag’s rolled coal, I say

So you bought one of the most ridiculous vehicles ever made to draw attention to yourself. Then, when it’s not the attention you want, you try and play the victim.

I’ve been pointing and loudly laughing at every Cybertruck driver I see, whenever the situation allows. The usual reaction has been a look of confusion followed by a flash of realization and change in posture that looks like it’s probably sheepishness and embarrassment. It works best when there are several witnesses.

One poster claims to have had a banana peel left on their car,

HAHAAH OMG PLEASE do this CT owners. 

Like I really care if these wannabe badasses have got their fee-fees hurt. Snowflakes.

Musk bought Twitter then allowed all of the Nazis back on Twitter. He knows EXACTLY what he was doing.