Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

It doesn’t even rise to the level of fake science, it is just undiluted pure strength racism.

This is so nuts that somebody would design a car like this.  What problem are they solving, having these electrically operated doors?  It’s so stupid, I don’t get it.  Also flush door handles, what problem do they solve?  They look cool I admit, but other than that, why?  Looks like they might actually be dangerous. 

Well, you see, linking the two would require sensible consumer friendly engineering.  That’s not something Tesla does.

It baffles me how a vehicle designed to hold 90 plus kwh of electricity in it’s battery pack cannot keep a 12 volt battery topped off. 

I can only imagine that after everything that happened with Mitch McConnell’s sister in law, his family is now only 99.5% confident in Tesla, obviously a huge jump down from the 100% they had before.

Ya, maybe a small metal stick, with unique profile that only matches a special hole on the car. You could carry it in your pocket, just in case.

Yeah, except the jar is racist.

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Seems like if it is a choice between anything and losing money, Twitter is going to choose the second one.

Was this a sarcastic post?

Violent crime is down in some cities, but it’s skyrocketing in others. Homicides went up 24% in Memphis, 27% in Washington, D.C.

Things that are 100% true that too few people believe:

Ah, good, even you agree that Trump is simply lying, then.

Drink bleach, troll

Leave the Trump trolls in the grey, people.

It’s really sad that it’s going to be another close election. The man killed 1 million Americans in a year, added $8 trillion to the national debt, failed to deliver on just about every promise he ever made except for taking women’s bodily autonomy away, thru our institutions under the bus to appease Putin, abandoned

Trump said, clearly failing to make the words line up the way he wanted.

Homicides almost *doubled* in DC during the Trump administration.