Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I keep asking this — if Tesla can claim to have FSD capabilities sufficient to operate driverless cabs (it’s a fake claim, I know), why wouldn’t those who paid....$15K?....for this service in their own Tesla get it first? Didn’t people pay a premium to get FSD, so why aren’t they getting it before the cabs do (the

My family had a whole hierarchy of trickle down hand me down cars. I hate autos, but I love free.

Ditto. You’ll never see a Bugatti in my carport. Even a used one.

Trump himself doesn’t think as far as any of the conspiracy mongering. All he cares is whether anything or anyone has offended him personally. All of this is 100% personal for him. The windmills? It’s because they ruined the view at his golf course in Scotland, and when he tried to get them stopped, the locals

Even the loathsome Sen. Lady Lindsey Graham hates Cruz.

“DEI Soros woke Nazi communist abortionist gay agenda slut porn”

I’m so distraught at this constant onslaught of dimwitted numbskullery from nimrods like Cruz.
Al Franken once said of Ted Cruz:

Of course the right is against anything related to scientific study. They don’t believe in science because frankly they don’t understand it.

I just wish Hunter S. Thompson could organize his eventual state funeral.

It’s so precious when Republicans combine a lot of big scary words that don’t fit together in any coherent way to scare their rubes who have no idea what any of the words mean. The United States of America is finished.

I just love the word salad approach, where they throw as many boogeyman words together. Now, “DEI” and “woke” aren’t strong enough apart, so he must combine them for EXTRA STRENGTHZ effect. Soon it will morph to “DEI Soros woke Nazi communist abortionist gay agenda slut porn” and this cannot be topped, so they will

And any response he gives would deserve an automatic reply:

I’ve met Ted Cruz in person. He’s even less likeable in person than he seems on TV.

A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...

Details and context are just as woke as facts now, Swib

You know how society advances? By learning more and becoming more knowledgeable as a group. The problem the far-right have with that is that the better educated the masses are, the less malleable they become.

I would love to hear him explain exactly what is “neo-Marxist class warfare propaganda.”  Hell, I would love to hear him describe DEI or “woke”.