Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

And, like I said, he’s made up shit about a lot of those other celebs also allegedly having gushed over him in the past only to turn on him since he’s ran for office. It’s happened so often that it amounts to a whole genre of bullshit that he peddles to his credulous followers.

You mean, besides how she criticized him on Twitter? The piece presumes that he’s telling the truth that they really met at an NBC upfront and she gushed over him, only to later criticize him. I’m saying that he’s probably making up the former in response to the latter. There’s no evidence that it happened; in fact,

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

Well, duh! Actors like Messing are probably used to flattering slimy entertainment industry bigwigs for the sake of their jobs, but that doesn’t mean she’d endorse him for president of the country. Plus, Messing’s show was off the air by the time Trump launched his campaign, so she certainly didn’t have to pretend

Yeah. How can anyone say we don’t know the title when Yogurt himself told us what it would be?

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

I mean, it has to be called Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money, right?

I mean, it has to be called Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money, right? In any case, I’m not sure this is a good idea — for one thing, John Candy won’t be in it and he was one of the best things about the original. Perhaps some genre parodies making fun of IP should just be left alone.

I’m legitimately unsure if I’ve ever seen an ego so fragile, both in reality and in fiction.

And they all say, "Sir, thank you"

Polls were neck and neck in 2020, and Biden won by 7 million votes.

Yep, she was in line right behind the big huge manly men who weep giant manly tears because Trump saved America.

90% of the far right is a grift from top to bottom anyway, whether you’re talking about Trump, anti-vaxxers, sov-cits, preppers, prosperity gospel nutjobs, goldbugs, or any one of the hundreds of other scams out there. Frankly, I’m surprised a Trumpcoin scam took this long.


And they were off by a country mile in 2016.

I understand the skepticism, but the polling averages in 2020 were incredibly accurate compared to the final vote tally.

Polls are meaningless, even though the media refuses to admit it. You have to consider the types of people who actually answer polls (typically older, stay-at-home types, and those types of people usually lean conservative), and you also have to remember that far too many people are just politically unaware and don’t

They love scams, it’s why they want the scammer in chief back.

These people just WANT to be scammed. They are the living embodiment of the "shut up and take my money" gif.

Confirming that KAQ is indeed Khadem Abdullah al-Qubaisi. Convicted and jailed for stealing from the 1MBD fund. The ex Malaysian prime minister is also in in the clink while a third accomplice, Jho Low, has been on the run for years, probably hiding out in China. The KAQ Bugattis were registered in Switzerland and