Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

There’s no other way to interpret your brainless, obsessive-compulsive posting of pointless images than as a confirmation that you in fact don’t have a functioning brain.

*snore* So boring. So so boring. Is this really the top of your game, failtroll? A little-leaguer could slap you silly FFS. Also, add tourette’s on top of being a sociopath. What a pathetic, self-defeating mess you are! lol

They passed a law about 20 years ago prohibiting it because we are a fundamentally corrupt country. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is unwinding that very slowly over the coming years, with 10 drugs up for negotiation per year.

...And yet again you show what a loonybin fail moron you are truly are. I get that your parents never showed you any love, but that’s not a reason to repeatedly behave like a complete and utter fool.

Look here specifically at what I mean, what alternative to fix poverty ISN’T being mentioned? Yes, that’s right, boys and girls! Raise peoples’ wages!

Falsehoods is what these despicables do. Like the Washington Post deliberately cropping a video to try and make Biden look like a doddering fool, for example. Also, when a fake, illegal voter is actually found, they virtually always turn out to be a Repugnicon, and so on...

Artist: corporations are evil

Sorry, but I hate stances like this one. Sure, corporations will likely always exist but why do we have to accept the status quo of how they operate if it actively makes the world a worse place? It’s okay to want to improve things.

Taxes aren’t stealing nitwit, what do you think pays for roads and sh!t. Libertarians who don’t want to pay their fair share.

He most certainly has shown us how ill-informed conservative chuds can be, and how eager to spread false narratives they are.

They don’t care if you say corporations are evil if you don’t specifically mention them. Stewart said some way more contentious things than this on the show.

You know, rage comics and memes aren’t a substitute for informed and knowledgeable debate. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, being a sociopathic nazi troll as you are.

Poorly thought out memes aside, housing SHOULD BE a right, and property tax is a perfectly valid way to fund societal needs. Again, it’s the implementation that’s the problem.

Taxes are NOT theft. They’re a perfectly appropriate way for a society to pay for all of the things that can only be done at scale, and for everyone’s benefit. The problem comes in when HOW the taxes are assessed is not fair or appropriate, and in America, that problem is primarily in that the rich are not made to pay

I’d say “bordering on immoral” is long in the rear view mirror...

Wow look if it isn’t the failtroll at work again trying to undermine and spread disinformation, while not understanding even the most elementary aspects of society. Taxation isn’t stealing, you should think of it as the fee you pay for the services and advantages of living in a civilized country.

The funny thing is, the Federal Government does negotiate prices on drugs. The VA does it all the time. When I treated veterans and active servicemen, they would always get their prescriptions filled through the VA. It is only CMS that isn’t allowed to. It’s all just so mind-bogglingly fucked up and whenever somebody

my partner and I are both what would pass for high earners with total household income well over $200k in what by most metrics is a low cost of living area...and cost of childcare is one of the primary drivers as to why we aren’t planning on having kids.

if the billionaires want there to be a higher birthrate they need

Yeah why aren’t these young people, who are spending every penny they have to live in one bedroom/studio apartments, having massive families? And don’t we seemed primed for it too? What with our plummeting population, there’s so much free space, jobs for all, affordable nutritious food.

How about Musk pay his taxes, and push for every other billionaire and millionaire pay their taxes?