Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

At this point he does not deserve this “pay”. He has single-handedly caused his own company to lose billions and billions in value because not only his actions and behavior, but IMHO his seemingly lack of interest in the actual product. The entire lineup looks aged and stale and a few teeny-tiny facelifts here and

Yes, this time around, the board made videos and adverts supporting the move to pay Musk. So they didn’t even try an adversarial role as they are obligated to take in cases like this. Instead, they doubled down on the cult member behaviour.

The Connecticut Plaintiffs have never wanted money from Jones but to silence him.”

Living in a homeless encampment would still be too good Alex Jones to reside in. 

I don’t wish ill of people often, but I hope he spends his afterlife reliving the last moments of each child for all of eternity.

To me that was painfully obvious the first time I heard of it. I laughed in the face of the dude who was all surprised that his insurance went up (Contractor, hyper aggressive in fully equipped crew cab pickup truck in NYC). I drive a slow car and I have hypermiling tendencies, so I think I’d actually save money, but

At least it’s not the gubment, right?

Meanwhile if I need to re-up a prescription for bipolar meds I can set up a tele-conference with my doctor, confirm I’m not dead, said doctor sends a script directly to my insurance’s mail-order system within five minutes, and I have pills in-hand within a couple days. Because the priorities in this country make so

As a fellow diagnosed ADHD person, the fact our healthcare system makes it so we have to jump through enormous numbers of hoops and paperwork and keep track of when our prescriptions will run out, so we can get our meds is pretty ridiculous.

Yeah, I was prescribed Adderall 27 years ago but it was such a hassel to just get a refil(ironic given what it’s meant to treat) I gave up on it and haven’t taken it since.

I don’t remember. I’d assume not for a single instance, but the odds of something like that happening regularly somewhat frequently for someone who drives during rush hour would be pretty high. It wasn’t a massively unusual situation. That’s why it sat poorly with me, when it responded. we’d been traveling under the

My ex had one of those ODB dongles for her car, in hopes to get good rates from whoever her insurance was. She had to panic brake and swerve to avoid an accident, and it was very stern about how unsafe her driving is.

In fairness to the cops and Fetterman (shudder), I-70 is a clusterfuck when it comes to traffic management. There are some exits that are literally right after a 2-lane highway merges from the right, while others that have merge lanes that end right before the exit lanes start so there’s a ton of jockeying around.

Well, to be fair, it might not just be the money. He’s giving credit to the stroke, so maybe it just takes extensive brain damage for a progressive to turn conservative.

Saying a brain injury made you more conservative is not the flex you think it is.

In this case the director is wrong about his own movie. Lightyear is not the thing Andy was obsessed with, it was Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Within the Toy Story-verse, Lightyear is a modern big-budget gritty reboot of the cartoon that Andy loved. That’s why Tim Allen’s Buzz sounds more like Patrick Warburton’s

I always just assumed Buzz Lightyear was like one of those toy lines that had a cheap cartoon tie-in, like so many in the 1980s. The imagery surrounding him is so cartoonish that it makes no sense that it was based on a somewhat serious Sci-fi flick.

If Lightyear was made by any other animation company it would have been much better received. Honestly if it hadn’t been called Lightyear it would have been better received. The whole trying to say it’s the movie Andy watched is what I then people latched onto and hated.  

Controversial I'm sure, but I preferred Lightyear to Toy Story 4. People say Lightyear was unnecessary, and I can't really argue with that, but Toy Story 4 was not only unnecessary but watered down a perfectly good and bittersweet ending to Toy Story 3.