Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

This person needs to not be CEO anymore. Once you start treating your users and largest contributors as the enemy instead of assets, it’s all over.

Besides, a jury in New York already decided he was neither totally nor completely innocent. 

How is being a “totally and completely innocent man” from being a “completely innocent man” or a “totally innocent man” or just an “innocent man?”

Good question re: ghosts. I can’t think of a single one that’s more than a rumour or idea, but magic is still rising at the end of GoT, I believe, so they could yet appear.

The most annoying thing to me was the sheer amount of plot armor and offscreen power Euron Greyjoy had. The guy was the only reason Cersei was a threat by the end, and just seemed to have a bag full of counters for everyone he went up against, in addition to an apparent ability to ignore things like travel distance

I would MUCH rather have had an Arya know, a character that wasn’t as boring as a brown paper bag

Shows sure, if you’re waiting for the whole season to drop. If you’re waiting for the whole series to finish first before watching, which is more akin to what that person was suggesting with the Spider-Verse movies, that doesn’t make sense.

Good lord I’ve read the comments and had forgotten just how awful ‘The Last Dinosaur” truly was--to the point I kind of forgot about it entirely.  To me that’s the worst one.

Did the earth move for you?

that’s not what completionist means.

That take is so stupid its breathtaking.

Its one of the very few movies I’d describe as ‘hateful’ that wasn’t, y’kniw, actual hate-speech.

There’s something so nasty about it, so viscerally unpleasant—it harms this small dinousaur kid in ways that feel stentorian and judgemental. Despite the fact that dinosaur boy isn’t really being ‘judged’ for any wrong

The in-universe rule that they cannot mix belies a dogmatic refusal to believe in thermodynamics.

I, too, only watch a television show once all the episodes have been produced and aired.

‘Some water is sentient and other water isn’t’ belongs in the Goofy-Pluto class of fantasy narrative paradoxes.

I can’t believe that person got the chance to fuck up again.

I’m not sure how Pixar thought “Let’s give the director of The Good Dinosaur another one” was a good idea.

Rob Schneider IS The Little Stapler That Could

You can’t do it, Robby!