Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

My point is, I don’t know if Donald’s lawyers are stressing this to him. If they’re not, they should be fired and he should sue ‘em.”

The indictment’s been unsealed. He’s got on co-conspirator: Walt Nauta.

‘human chain wallet’  destroyed me.  I’m dead now.  Thank you for that.  

Your description was hilarious so I googled him to see for myself and everything you wrote describes him prefectly.

And the hits just keep comin! Tell me how she’s not a lying hypocrite?

Add “homewrecker” to her long list of adjectives.
I’m amazed at how some elected persons think their office is a stage for their antics which we’re supposed to applaud if only because we are with the same party.

“Hey, we didn’t go all the way OK? There was a rubber in between us the whole time!” - That guy probably.

I immediately Googled Mr. Archambault, and, as I expected, the dude looks like the washed up frontman for a mid-00s nü-metal band. The man is a human chain wallet; he is the embodiment of the metaphysical essence of frosted tips.

I think you explained it yourself the non-stop flood of batshit crazy shit has buried so so so much that in any other reality would have dominated the news cycle. It would be the number one thing we knew about her. But in the darkest timeline Boebert being a gun-themed restaurant owner doesn’t even crack the top 5

Yeah, that’s pretty much her entire qualification for Congress: famous for being Trumpy and owns a gun-themed restaurant where servers and bartenders walk around sporting guns and patrons are invited to carry.

Wow, where have you been? When she began her political run, the world was pretty much introduced to her as “the gun-themed restaurant owner from Colorado.” One of the main selling points is the fun fact the staff are all strapped as they go about their food service duties.

I’m pretty tall and pretty fit. Also I have pretty much a full head of hair.

“Pretty” faithful - so not “entirely,” then. 

Boebert is *exactly* the type of person you sort of knew in high school who you *have* to stay Facebook friends with because she’s nonstop drama, fights, 911 calls, text screenshots, etc.

after Martinez wrote “demonic whore/fake” on Boebert’s driver’s license,

The problem with the Congresswoman is that she has lied so many times that she has no credibility.

Archambault told the tabloid he and Boebert “were good friends” who “were together all the time,” admitting that he “spent a lot of time at their house, hanging out with her, helping her, as a friend would do.” But, he says, “there was nothing sexually, no. We were real close at one time, but it never got to that

Wait, what? Her what themed restaurant?  I feel like we’re skipping some pretty major bits of information here. Just how cuckoo pants is this nutcase?

This idiot thinks that a 155mm howitzer shell can take out a Soviet made dam that was 200+ feet thick of reinforced concrete designed by the Soviets to survive a nuclear strike. That’s literally impossible.

The slideshow ignores the very same issue that is being missed on Twitter: That view count includes autoplays from people who say the tweet, but didn’t actually click on or watch the video.