Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

More of this please. Republican fascists deserve all the courtesy they give to the marginalized people they attack and bully. In other words none.

I didn’t know the Trade Federation guys had converted to Catholicism.

“ESG is a tool to advance the Left’s broader cultural agenda” like “efforts to promote ‘gender transitions’ for children.”

This sounds like what a 17 year old would write in a secret journal in their bedroom but never have the guts to show to anybody. Which is pretty consistent with the quality of Zack Snyder’s writing, honestly.

If there is to be a Peace Treaty, Russia will have to pay to rebuild all of this.

Somehow, I’m remembering Saddam ordering the lighting of all those Kuwaiti oil wells as Iraq was pushed out of Kuwait in 1991.

This looks like the kind of glorious shit that used to show up late at night on the Sci-Fi channel back in the nineties. On of those Italian/German/Spanish co-productions starring some Dolph Lundgren lookalike along with assorted minor cast members of both “Deep Space Nine” and “Babylon 5.” At some point the muscular

Possibly the first genuine positive use of the slideshow format in internet history?

That would be funny if that happened and we got a headline like “Sony announces Spider-Man 4, Spider-Man 4, and Spider-Man 3 have entered production.”

When you say Spider-Man 4 my first thought is the fourth Rami Spidey. I want both and an Amazing Spider-Man 3 too.

I do always enjoy the handling.

which I’m led to understand is a “helluva” drug.

what he did last summer?

I like the way you handle yourself.

Had a very prolonged, robust laugh at this, thank you. Take that star.

A Kardashian, I believe.

What’s this guy going to be doing in 10 years? I don’t know what he did last year. 

Just to be clear Pete always making a life decision while he’s high. I didn’t even recognize which one is his “sober” face.

I have only ever bought too many cheeseburgers. So I guess I don’t understand how other people use the word “stoned” because this sounds more like cocaine.

This reminds me of the time I got drunk and accidentally ordered the shipwreck of the Mary Celeste on Amazon. Goddamn Subscribe-And-Save. I was forty-nine ghosts deep before I could even understand the Amazon return policy on sea-bound ocean-wraiths. It’s not the shipping that gets you, either. It’s the handling.