Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Years of hiring twentysomethings to play 16-year-olds has warped our perception of what a teen is supposed to be like. When I see actual 16-year-olds walking around my neighborhood (or just my nieces), I’m like, “OMG YOU’RE BABIES.” 

I get far more work done when I’m at home than I do at the office. To the point where I was planning to go in later this week, but I got slammed with a rush assignment so my manager just told me to work at home as much as I need to get it done faster.

Microwaving fish in the office should be punishable. Like, lose a days wages punishable.

It’s also financially stupid. The organization I work for pays for SEVEN floors of a building.

The point is that she didn’t get the role because she was considered they were looking for a 16 year old potentially being cast in a father-daughter road trip comedy to BE fuckable.

Yep. Mr. Valve has a 9-5 job that, before lockdown, basically consisted of him working 60% of the time and spending 40% of the time fucking around because he was more efficient than the other people in the office. Now he gets all his work done, all his chores done, and even gets to spend some time with Little Valve

Martha, no doubt has some valuable wisdom. But she’s been an out-of touch-millionaire much longer than she has not. Part of wisdom is knowing when you might not be the expert on a certain subject.

“You can’t possibly get everything done working three days a week in the office and two days remotely. Look at the success of France with their stupid … you know, off for August, blah blah blah. That’s not a very thriving country. Should America go down the drain because people don’t want to go back to work?”

I love working from home. Before the pandemic my company had a massive open floor plan office in the heart of Times Square. For years my day was filled with nothing but crowds and noise, both in and out of the office. There were times I would have to book a conference rooms just so I could get some quiet and actually

Troll or real, they can get fucked either way!

Star Wars is just a whole different Akira Kurosawa (The Hidden Fortress) but in space already.

And if there are two shooters, it’s the shooter who survives who matters.

I ain’t your brother in anything. Fuck off, Nazi.

Why does that ship have breasts? They even have nipples...

Ah yes, the James Cameron-designed BoobShip. 

Well duh! Of course the guy called “Conservative Patriot” hates the lady movie and the black people movie.

I honestly feel that there were darker bits of the movie, especially with Gorr’s arc, that were deleted at the 11th hour that would have made those sillier moments stand out less. After that REALLY dark prologue and Jane’s cancer I was expecting a lot worse in terms of the “serious” parts of the film. I hope Guardians

Where compassion, reason and justice go to die.

Of course it’s Florida, “Where woke goes to die.”

“Bird Box Barcelona” sounds like an upscale Iberian-themed hot wings chain.