Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Don’t they actually oppose having pets all together, though? It doesn’t matter if Pete gets a dog from a shop or a shelter if they are still against companionship.

They’re fucking ridiculous. There are specific breeds of cat and dog that are much better for people with allergies. Fuck PETA. 

PETA is a trash organization that cares more about publicity for themselves than animal welfare. They are the nonprofit equivalent of a gutter tabloid. This is the organization that tricked people into surrendering beloved family pets to them and then brutally killed those pets pretty immediately, while lying about it

This. Peta deserves to suck the proverbial dick. They’re toxic attention whores who care more about being in the news than they do about animals, and they have a terrible track record.

Fuck PETA. Always and forever.

“If Pete had done his research, he would know that there’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, that at least a quarter of dogs in shelters are purebreds, and that Petfinder has listings for homeless dogs of every breed under the sun, including the one he purchased.”

So is Jez’s love affair with everything Pete Davidson finally over or...?

On another note, PETA can absolutely get fucked. As far as I’m concerned, they’re right up there with the Proud Boys in terms of shitty groups of shitty people.

peta is a terrible organization that turns off most people to the idea of animal rights and shouldn’t be calling out individuals just buying a pet. bother farming  corporations and big box pet stores that still sell animals.

Criminal scum, all of them.

I know that the Republican party stopped paying lip service to objective reality and actual facts many years ago, but this is just astounding for how blatantly fantastical their claims can get.

Nice post, came here to say the same thing. Looking at this from a (logical) mathematic perspective, it makes no sense and simply doesn’t add up. The numbers of people who identify as trans, let alone trans teenagers, is simply too small to have that level of impact. It’s fucking stupid that she even spoke the words.

So fucking pathetic. The GOP is really doubling down on the whole “this small vulnerable minority is responsible for literally everything you don’t like”. This also reeks of desperation, Haley is losing and trying to up her bigotry game to attract some support.

How can it possibly be the women’s issue of our times when it affects so few people. Of the 2% of teens who supposedly identify as trans and live in states where there are no limits on which facilities trans youths can use, what percentage do you think are brave and mentally tough enough to wade into the hatred and

When these creatures glassily stare at each other, do they lie and say their ill fitting skin suits look good? Do they spew these lies while casually eating those babies they keep getting handed?

Those aren’t illegal of course. You can do nearly anything with a coin, but apparently it’s illegal in the US to melt coins with the intent of selling the raw materials for profit.

Jonathan Grey is a generational officer of the United States Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance who currently works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)

Having spent my career thus far in the public sector... government employees, even high-ranking ones, are just as capable of being batshit crazy as your Drunk Uncle rex.

Look, we have pretty good models that are able to mathematically predict how long a secret or conspiracy can stay covered up based off of how many people and organizations know about it.

Some brain dead PR drone with no sense of self awareness is probably trying to “reclaim” the acronym, without relalizing how tone deaf they are coming across. In fact they probably did it with a little bit of spite.

Self awareness and humor pertaining to policing misconduct is a fireable offense for NYPD officers