Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I don’t normally like modern cars (or matte/semigloss/”frosted” paint), but the local Mercedes dealer had an AMG GT in Green Hell Magno and it looked amazing.  Some cars are just too fun to worry about the usual bullshit.

When I was younger, I thought his show was satire that too many people were taking seriously, like The Colbert Report.  Blew my mind to learn this guy is supposed to be a legit financial advisor.

I was just starting high school when the S197 came out. One of my classmates got a brand new V6 convertible in bright yellow as a sweet 16 present from her dad.

I don’t think he copied anything closely enough to qualify as stealing any designs; I don’t think it even rises to the level of a GTA parody. However, I think that I, Robot is definitely part of Muskrat’s pinterest mood board. He’s certainly going for that whole vibe.

When people say “shit tastes bad” do you jump up and exclaim “How do you know?!? Have you ever eaten literal shit?” Not everything needs to be experienced firsthand. There’s plenty of evidence of the Cybertruck failing basic measures of usefullness, breaking down in spectacularly stupid ways, and injuring people who

They finally reined in the gigantic diseased kidneys, only to ruin the headlights. Looks like a cheap, generic commuter car that someone glued a BMW grille onto.  They really need to just fire their entire design department and start from scratch.

MAGA cultists regularly collapse from heat stroke at his rallies and have to be carted off by EMTs. If Trumpster even acknowledges it, it’s to make a joke at their expense. He doesn’t give a shit what happens to them once he’s had a few hours of their adoration that day.

He’s constantly telling his supporters that voting is rigged, some of them will probably stay home because they believe him.

If there’s ever another BTTF they better be using the flying steam train. I always wanted a toy of that as a kid, but it didn’t get enough screentime to warrant one.

Well, you can’t sell new Porsches to people who kill themselves driving on dry-rotted original tires.

I was born in ‘91 and as a kid I only wanted 3 vehicles: Herbie, the BTTF time machine, and the Mach 5. I don’t think it’s a generational thing.

I’m pretty sure this car wasn’t designed to be a taxi. The Cybercab was supposed to be the new budget model, but then Muskrat fell in a k-hole and decided that Tesla is now an autonomous taxi service, so repurposing that prototype was the only thing the engineers had time to do.

The Cybercab looks like they took the Model 3 and the VW XL1 and put them in a blender. It doesn’t look half bad, but it’s a terrible choice for a taxi. “Sexy little hypermiler coupe” would make for a great entry-level Tesla, which is what I bet this was. The delay in presentation was because they had to rip the

“His vision is lovely, but somebody has to actualize it,” said Ross Gerber, a Tesla shareholder and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management. “For now, for the next 24 months, Tesla has to sell EVs. Why aren’t we focused on that?”

Ford didn’t make announcements every few months promising the Nucleon was about to hit showrooms.

Musk himself has helped spread the image that he’s personally riding around in helicopters and airdropping free Starlink terminals to needy people and first responders so they can contact each other. Not a great plan, but could be somewhat useful to some people. Instead we find out it’s just a run-of-the-mill new

Because he’s always earned it.

Muskrat openly admitted this whole thing was a boondoggle he did just to suck attention and money away from actually viable public transportation projects.

I was shown a number of new ways that these cars will interact with my phone

“Don’t do drugs kids.  To drive this point home, look at this truck that was designed by a guy who was in a k-hole.”