Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

“Is my dick racist?... I’m going to stare at pictures of white woman with black asses and beat the shit out of my racist dick.”

As an X-Men fan, Mojo means something else to me.

He constantly demonstrates why he doesn’t deserve that absurd $56 billion payout for running Tesla.

This is the future: make things shittier and more complicated for no benefit.

I’ll always star a green car.

I blame the dealers more than anything. Most people buy off the lot, and prioritise features/price/availability over colour. I’ve seen tons of people say they wanted an actual colour, but they settled for something greyscale because it was on the lot, had all the options they wanted, they could get a better price than

I reject boring appliances, too. My fridge is metallic blue.

The stock market is bullshit.

And we know that quote is a lie because the one time he was seen publically attending church, he threw some money on the “little crackers” because he mistook the Eucharist for the collections plate.

Or C), they know it’s a bad faith fishing expedition.  The GOP wants new soundbites they can deceptively edit for their attack ads, nothing more.  Any information of value is already available in the transcript.

I do find it satisfying to watch the MAGAts twist themselves in knots trying to explain why Trump can do anything he wants and claim executive privilege, but it’s a crime against America for Biden to even think about invoking executive privilege.

“Jesus, take the wheel!”

Hey, I never said it shouldn’t be an option, just that it shouldn’t be standard.

Yet their shuttlecraft still crash at the drop of a hat. You’d think after all these centuries they’d have finally figured out how to shield against ion storms or solar flares or whatever.

I thought the MKV’s problem was that it had the phallic face of a proboscis monkey.

It was a family affair. Musk and his young son X, who often joins him at events, were part of a group that also included Trump and his 18-year-old son, Barron. Musk and Peltz know each other in part through Peltz’s son Diesel, a tech entrepreneur who is friendly with Musk. Diesel Peltz was at the breakfast as

The NC had a great colour called Spirited Green:

I’ve gone on many long drives and never once used cruise control of any kind. If I’m driving, then I’m actually driving, not relying on automated crap. This is doubly true if I’m in a sports car that’s built specifically for the experience of driving.

Adaptive cruise control is shit and has no business being on a sports car.  Porsche should be applauded for not forcing it on everyone.

Has this guy never heard of Madonna before? Provocative and sexual is her entire thing.