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I’m so tired of shorty buses. At least it wasn’t a T1 they butchered.

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” said Trump on national television following the verdict. “The real verdict is gonna by Nov. 5th by the people, and they know what happened here and everyone knows what happened here.”

I wouldn’t trust a Ford dealer to even look at that car,  much less do anything to it.  Incompetent hacks.

I legitimately enjoyed the show when I was younger.

Toy Story 3 was just a perfect trilogy-ender. All of Andy’s toys (and even Andy himself) had wonderfully bittersweet endings, with the chapters of their old lives coming to a close but new beginnings coming. We felt like we got closure but also were happy knowing they all had bright futures.

It’s an enshittification ouroboros. Games inspire shows that inspire other games that inspire other shows. It’s like that episode of Rick & Morty where Rick creates a family of decoy robot doubles, and then that robot Rick creates his own family of robot doubles, and this keeps happening endlessly, but the Ricks are

Toy Story 4 was a cash grab. Lightyear was a cash grab.  Toy Story 5 is beating a dead horse.

Horace the Hate Bug. It’s all in the name.

I would DD the shit outta that beast.

I can barely remember the show, but the intro stuck with me.

While I’m always game for more chase-battles with absurd apocalyptic hot rods, at no point during Fury Road did I think “I really need to know the origin of that dead kid hallucination and how Max went feral.” It was a great case of “show, don’t tell” that gives the audience all they need. You can imagine the details

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I’m a sci-fi fan, so naturally I prefer Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century.

Make cars simple again.

The Mach 5's grip tires.  They’re as sticky as Spiderman, you can drive sideways on a vertical cliff face.

Cruise is Scientology’s golden boy, every aspect of his life and his presentation to the world is carefully curated.  The real Cruise, who exists behind compound doors, is not so great.

Nobody overrode any safety features, a Tesla engineer plainly stated that the trunk is designed to shut harder if it detects an obstruction.  The idea is that if you overstuffed the trunk, it’ll smush it down until it can latch.

But money can only insulate you for so long. When the world looks like Fury Road at the end of this century, nobody will care how much gold bullion you have or whose name is written on a property deed. There will be mass displacement/migration as BILLIONS of people flee sinking coastal cities, inhospitable deserts,

This is the GOP:

Can’t wait to tell my EchoChef to make me a pizza, and it goes and orders a 55 gallon drum of Elmers glue.

My first thought was C4 Corvette, they just changed the spoke-to-hub ratio.