Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I love time travel movies, and the weirder the better. But somewhere along the way they need to make some kind of sense. Otherwise you just have a Michael Bay movie, where special effects and action sequences get confused for plot. 

“He’s a good honest man” she says about the adjudicated rapist and fraudster.

Only morons who have never read an X-Men comic would complain about them “going woke.”

They screwed up the pronunciation of the main character’s name.  I don’t even know you screw up an adaptation that badly.  Imagine you’re watching the Star Wars sequels, and Rey keeps referring to that old Jedi as “Lick Skywalker.”

So Disney is continuing to realise their mistakes. They canceled Battlefront 3, then had EA half-ass a Battlefield clone with a Star Wars skin.  They shuttered LucasArts, then relaunched it as Lucasfilm Games.  They canceled 1313, just to come up with a new Mandalorian bounty hunter game.  They could’ve saved so much

That GT6 is beautiful, but the price is not. Just a few years ago, a nicely restored GT6 or Spitfire was worth about $5k.

That’s really cool.

They gave us one with a slushbox that made horrible grinding noises.

Now playing

At this point the only Sherlock show I would watch is a revival of Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century. If 90's X-Men can get a continuation, surely this could too.

Have they turned them into a collection of overpriced t-shirts yet?

The funny thing is that we didn’t even have a warranty, it was insurance work, and the dealer was the only qualified shop nearby. They still made us feel like VIPs. Went in with a worn but well cared-for ML and left with a fully-loaded GL. That’s just smart marketing, going for the upsell, but it was still nice.

A G-Wagen with diamond badges? Sounds like Mercedes has gone full Benefactor Dubsta.

My mom got a loaner from Mercedes and she asked if she could use it to take her Collie to a dog show, and they said “sure!”

I love how decades after the DeLorean, Muskrat managed to somehow build a vehicle with an inferior stainless steel gimmick.

Yeah, that’s some real brain worms thinking.

That’s a nice green.

My list would start with the Ford Shelby GR-1, because the Shelby Daytona is my favourite car of all time.

“Stalker elf”?  Are you having some kind of mental breakdown?  Do I need to call someone?

It was probably done because the study included high schoolers, and that age range would encompass all the seniors. But let’s say we go with some stricter definition of “children.” Gun deaths drop to 2nd place, so what? Is the 2nd leading cause of death no longer cause for concern? We can’t address it at all until the

Cry some more.  Nitpicking semantics about what to call people in their late teens completely misses the point that young people are being gunned down at an alarming rate.