Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The exterior looks like “generic future car #3" that you would see in any near-future video game. It’s completely devoid of any defining styling cues.  I mean, it looks OK, but without seeing the badge, you’d never know it’s a Chrysler

How old are the mummies? Is this some really wild crap they sell to tourists, or did the CDC just burn up archeaological relics?

Did Batroc and Kraven do a Fusion Dance?

People dumb enough to believe that Biden rigged the Super Bowl are probably trolled by supermarket coupons.

Unless the crew of Discovery fight Thanos (a rogue Q who is outright evil?), I’m not sure how they raise the stakes from “super-advanced extragalactic aliens are wrecking our whole galaxy with wormhole-based mining equipment.” I’m tired of Discovery constantly raising the stakes. Not every season’s big problem needs

Folks who encourage it - and others who were just shocked & started filming. No one stood up - i mean there wasn’t anything you could do to stand up to dozens of people.

Black Cat has had some great solo stuff, so you wouldn’t even need to involve Spider-Man at all to have a good movie. Actually. . . where does she stand with the movie rights? Is she considered a strictly Spidey character, or is it like a Wanda & Pietro situation where Disney could cut Sony out if they just never

JFC, I can’t look at this abomination without laughing.

Going by my grandfather’s newfound obsession with “vitamin gummies” that cost $160 per bottle, I assume it all comes from retirees who sit and watch TV all day and decide they need to just regularly buy these things because they’ve seen the commercials so many times that they feel obligated.

Civil War could be so good. Cold open in the Siege of Petersburg, right before the Battle of the Crater. Show the fighting in all its gory detail, then cut to men in a mine shaft frantically trying to ignite fuses leading to kegs of gunpowder. Then. . . BOOM. Cut to a Predator on his ship, looking at sensor readings

I might find this funnier it wasn’t a propaganda gold mine for Putin.  Fucker Carlson is a complete tool.  I’m not sure if he’s too stupid to realise it, or too craven to care, or if that distinction even really matters.

A prequel to the prequel? It’s just prequels all the way down. Prequelception. 2 Prequel 2 Dragon. Eternal Prequel of the Previous Mind. All of this has prequel-ed before and will again.

I remember when Microsoft said that you won’t need to organise your files into folders, you’ll just use their newly improved search to find whatever you’re looking for.

I just hope the story is less muddled than Frozen 2.

But how will they work in Ein?  You can’t do a Cowboy Bebop crossover without Ein.

Any Alfa. I remember reading one of the big auto magazine’s long term assessments of the Giulia, and they said “we can’t give an accurate long term assessment because the car was in the shop more than it was in our test fleet.”  Even an absolute crapcan should be more roadworthy than that when it’s fresh off the

Fantastic colour combo.  The world needs more green-on-green cars.

I get what you’re saying, but this isn’t the first time he’s posted something weird and eugenics-related, so I have a much harder time giving him any kind of benefit of the doubt. Friends discussing an article they half-remember also lands differently than the richest man in the world publically posting his

But there’s a difference between head size and brain size, and also the fact that brain size is not directly proportional to intelligence.  What Musk is saying is not just tinged with eugenics, it sounds like full-blown phrenology bullshit.  I’ve just never heard anyone link that particular pseudoscience with pussy

I really don’t understand why sex scenes need to justify their existence when no other scene does.  Nobody asks if every single action scene is necessary to the plot, and then decry it as “bad” or “unneeded” if it doesn’t.  A movie made up entirely of plot would get pretty boring.  It’d be like reading the CliffNotes