Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

RFK Jr. is still around? I can’t believe people are still paying any attention to this astroturfed wannabe-spoiler.

OK?  She’s not advertising a google search.  The point is that kids following the URL on her car aren’t going to see anything.  If they’re savvy enough to find OnlyFans content that was reposted for free elsewhere, they’re already looking for porn, and I fail to see the difference between them seeing Piper Fawn or

Yeah, that never fails to amuse me. Daytime television has no problem showing John Wick popping headshots, but if you see a female-presenting nipple it’s a national scandal. Meanwhile, in Europe, the evening news is playing in a restaurant and they’re doing a story on the local topless beach, and nobody even looks up

It doesn’t matter, because the kids can’t see anything without making an account and then paying for a subscription.  If schoolchildren are allowed to use a credit card unsupervised, that’s a failure of parenting.

Anybody have a gif of that time on Harley Quinn when Poison Ivy grows into a giantess and Dr. Psycho starts yelling “put me in your pocket”?  I’m expecting a lot of those reactions.

Canceling accounts, what a great way to increase subscriptions!  Flawless victory.


That’s bullshit and you know it.

Are we talking a graphic John Wick-style shot to the head, or a creative camera angle implied shot to the head?  Because I could really understand being frustrated with the latter.

It’s really something watching House Republicans desperately trying to impeach Mayorkas for supposedly failing to secure the border on the same damn day they brag about killing the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill.  What a bunch of deranged, petulant children just flailing around the floor of Congress.

But you need a certain level of population density for public transportation to be viable.  The vast majority of America is so spread out that any train or bus route that was remotely useful would be too time consuming to actually ride, and have too small a ridership to be sustainable.  Running enough buses and trains

Saab 99. Safe, efficient, practical, reliable, but also quirky and fun to drive.

Not just a cultural shift, but literally rebuilding vast swathes of infrastructure. Good luck trying to reverse a century of sprawl.

I’m not sure there’s anything in TROS that would qualify as “earned.”

The way things are going with Muskrat, I’m just waiting for him to announce a brain implant that can “suppress the woke mind virus.”

I was the only guy in my high school who could write cursive.  Hell, most of my classmates couldn’t even read it.  The only person with better handwriting was the really artsy girl who practiced calligraphy.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Trump actually likes driving. It might have been an article about his Trump Edition Cadillac limos.

I hope the first thing the new owner does is scrape that tacky medallion off.

Except Nilus is criticising her hypocrisy, not the plastic surgery itself.  He’s also not orchestrating an online harassment campaign against her, either.

I haven’t seen Ahsoka yet. Did Thrawn build the Chimera a massive hyperdrive booster ring?