Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

No ground combat or boarding?  So it’s entirely just sailing around and firing cannon barrages?  Super lame.

I expect going forward that a lot more productions will do things the way the Wick movies do, because why even have a risk at all if it’s not necessary. The problem is that there’s an entire industry of prop houses and armorers that provide real and modified guns to Hollywood, and have a vested interest in continuing

The paint looks like a rattle can job with no clear.  Look how rough and hazy the reflections from the lights are.

I’ve seen Amish buggies with radios.

IIRC, the Wick movies don’t even use functional guns or blanks. All the gunshots are added in post.

If they’re committing outright fraud with stuff like forged signatures, how have the cops not done anything?

Is it that Chinese EVs are “good,” or is that they’re cheap and actually cars? All the other manufacturers are doing their damndest to transition their lineups entirely to high-margin crossovers/SUVs/trucks.

1958 Buick. Look at this jet age cowling:

The headlights, meanwhile, can cost between $2,000 and $4,500 depending on which ones they were

Kei-class Cybertruck.

Ford Pinto. The horse name implies it’ll be another legend in its class like the Mustang and Bronco, but instead it was a crapcan that would burst into flames if you bumped its rump.

Found footage horror doesn’t work for me, because half the scary parts are an incomprehensible blur as people run away.

The Apple Car will always be X years away, just like fusion reactors and jetpacks.

So like Westworld was one park of many, Jurassic Park is one genetic chimera zoo out of many?  Does InGen have a Pleistocene Park on an island off the coast of Iceland?

I will never understand how someone took a franchise built around people running from dinosaurs and said “What we really need is a movie about giant grasshoppers and corporate control of our crop supply. Oh, and it’ll be about human cloning, too.”  There’s at least 3 movies jammed in there, and none of those plots

Chrysler’s astrodome.

Because the Herb demands it.

So what we need is something like a newer, greener version of the New Deal. Too bad half the country thinks such a thing is “woke socialism.”