Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Man, these prosecutors really have a hate-boner for Baldwin.

Health officials requested that people who caught or were potentially exposed to measles at the hospital isolate themselves until the risk of further transmission had passed. However, they later learned that one of these families had refused to comply and sent their infected child to attend the Multicultural

The last few years have really laid bare how much utter crap is on the internet, and how much people struggle to separate it from the stuff that’s real. It’s really. . . something that big tech companies looked at this problem and decided to ask “how can we make this worse, and quickly?”

The company has also added what it calls “enhanced” disclosures that tell consumers to drink these beverages in moderation and that the drinks are “not recommended for children, people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant or nursing women.”

No, transphobia is childish nonsense. Anybody spreading it is a piece of shit. Anybody defending transphobes is also a piece of shit.

Hot Wheels did it better.

Drifting brake, bro.

The obvious choice would be Bond’s Aston V8 with the skis and rocket booster.

Might’ve worked better if they hadn’t put slicks on it.

All I want in life is a replica Shelby Daytona with working air jacks.

It’s wild to think Lego was ever struggling.

That’s why all my appliances are painted.

Don’t the DeLorean/Airstream guys already have this shit figured out?  Why is this a learning process?  Did Tesla do something different with their supposedly bare panels?

I remember when that catalog came in the mail. Still have it, too. The Naboo starfighter was also one of the Episode I launch sets, and I still have it (though no idea where Little Ani is currently).

I’m so sick of dipshits acting like Biden personally dictates the price of groceries.  That’s not how any of this works.

It’s a fantastic truck. The interior and build quality are definitely one of Tesla’s best.

My understanding is that Marvel productions in general suffer from a severe case of “fix it in post.”  Instead of running a tighter ship, they waste a bunch of special effects on simply correcting mistakes they made while filming.

The TV show Stargate Universe *almost* had an in-universe tie-in MMORPG called Stargate Worlds.  Always sad that never came out.

Tatiana having unplanned downtime should be illegal.

I don’t recognise half of these people. Am I the only one?  Is the problem that I don’t watch enough TV?