Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I’m so sick of dipshits acting like Biden personally dictates the price of groceries.  That’s not how any of this works.

It’s a fantastic truck. The interior and build quality are definitely one of Tesla’s best.

The TV show Stargate Universe *almost* had an in-universe tie-in MMORPG called Stargate Worlds.  Always sad that never came out.

Tatiana having unplanned downtime should be illegal.

I don’t recognise half of these people. Am I the only one?  Is the problem that I don’t watch enough TV?

I’m not into retro stuff, and the discs for consoles these days are largely superfluous. Most of the game, if not all, is a download.

I was until the local 4G tower went up. But I’m so far away from it that the signal is so weak that sometimes it’s not much faster. I don’t even try downloading things at home anymore. I drive 20 minutes to the next town over, where there’s a 5G tower, and I can sit in my favourite pizza place for an hour and download

I’ve got a Firefox addon that converts that shit into jpg.

I stopped buying games on disc because they stopped making them.  The last video game I downloaded at home took 3 MONTHS to finish.  Fuck the all-digital future.

I think Prometheus is misunderstood. It’s a classic slasher flick, like Halloween. The monster is basically immortal, Shaw is the Last Girl, and every other human is dumber than a box of rocks. The problem is that most people going into it are expecting more traditional sci-fi/space horror, and are disappointed when

I was gonna say, he probably has an employee whose sole job is to “not party” and regularly piss in jars.

The problem is that they need to acknowledge that it has a new name, but Musk is so goddamn stupid that he renamed it the letter commonly used to denote a placeholder name. It’s kinda necessary so people don’t see “X” and think Kotaku just forgot to write in the actual name.

He’ll print the director’s cut on film, using Vantablack ink. He’ll be the pinnacle of unwatchably dark movies.

Everything about this sounds awful. The entire dashboard being a screen also looks awful. Just all around awful. I miss the Mercedes that made reliable, rock-solid, classy cars. Now they seem to be focused entirely on making gimmicky crap for tech bros.

No, they’ve literally never been that close to a real woman before.  They also jerk off exclusively to hairless anime girls.  These are the kinds of people who leave comments like “shave that filth you lazy slob” under every porn video featuring a woman with a bush.

If the gameplay doesn’t involve punching Nazis in their goddamn faces, I’ll be very disappointed.

Now playing

It’s actually a mockup of an original design. The doors were developed by a company called Jatech, and they also retrofit them onto some Lincolns. The narrator in their video implies that the retrofits have ground clearance issues (like, duh), so they designed their own car around the doors. I assume that’s why they

I can handle it. I saw Sucker Punch in the theatre.

Snyderverse Mickey is grimdark for 14 year olds.  He’s muddy brown-grey and has a Jesus complex and a babyfaced stripper girlfriend.

Snyderverse Mickey.