I mean. . . Raymond and Debra could be “the parents.” Focus the show on their kids and the new grandchildren.
I mean. . . Raymond and Debra could be “the parents.” Focus the show on their kids and the new grandchildren.
She’s also said some dumb things about vaccines, so it might be that. Or something totally mundane, I dunno.
My first 2 Android phones had slide-out physical keyboards and they were vastly superior in usability to the POS touchscreen I have to type on now.
“Even if you are one of the richest people in the world, you can’t just make your own rules,” said Jan Villadsen, the chairman of the 3F union’s transport division, in a statement
Anything. Touchscreens are trash.
2024 just to come up with a rule, and 3 years for manufacturers to implement, so 2027 at the earliest. But that hinges on a gigantic “if.” They’ve said 99.9% success might not be good enough. A drunk driving detection system with 100% accuracy, by the end of next year? Never gonna happen.
They probably are jodhpurs, but that baggy style is more typical of England. American jodhpurs are usually form-fitting the whole length. Just a funny detail on the GOP’s paragon of American-ness.
Sociopaths, that’s who.
If there’s no crash rating, how are they selling them to the public?
Panic firing until empty reinforces their “I feared for my life” narrative.
There’s a wiki for everything.
I love it, but I can’t help but think “why did somebody put an Aston grille on a Studebaker.”
Good. Dude was a beast. I’m very picky about music, and there’s very few artists where I like the majority of their songs.
Or the last day of the Jezebel comments.
As For Perfect Timing Towing, state officials said the tow company has 30 days to pay its current fines or its license will be revoked.
You can’t play a game unless every single character has a flat ass? Did a booty kill your parents? Are you the Bruce Wayne of ass-tastrophies?
Those are called Ultra Hots, first introduced in 1984. They still make them today for some of the retro lines.