Musk is exactly the kind of dingus that would try to wake a Great Old One because he thinks he could control it.
R* just continuing to shit on PC players like usual. We’re still waiting for E&E.
Yeah, A+ music choice. I really hope there’s some Tom Petty in-game.
Blame The Herb.
Does Kim K. just get a new face every year? I wouldn’t recognise half her pictures these days if not for the captions.
Yeah, I don’t like that either, especially the way the light strips travel so far down the sides and then abruptly stop. It’d look much better with some normal headlights.
A safe D district, actually. Or so everyone thought. I saw this in a recent Guardian article:
This is the last thing this clown needs. Santos is a compulsive serial liar and grifter, but otherwise a completely unremarkable person. The only reason he was able to fail upwards so far was a combination of sheer dumb luck, and none of his political opponents doing any oppo research whatsoever because they thought…
That was my first thought, but even if the rear windows were filled in, it doesn’t seem quite right. Still might be one, just buried under a lot of customisation.
Cool, can’t wait to get the Ultimate Edition in a big Steam sale.
JFC. Is “I played a ____ on TV” the new “I have a ____ friend”?
Someone on another article said it’s referencing the release date of the first Mad Max movie. They’re talking about the franchise itself, not the in-universe timeline.
I’m not sure what it is, but I know it’s not that.
I wish this Mini Cooper headlight fad would die already. I’ve never seen a single conversion that was an improvement. The wheels and seats are classic “this is the only shit I found in the local junkyard that came close to fitting.” Removing the tailfins is like chopping the ears off a supermodel. Just a crime against…
I was gonna say “none” because new cars are ugly and boring, but that Hyundai is actually decently interesting.
How much to install an actual dashboard?